The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Village of Biggsville's, October 3rd, meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor-pro-tem Brian Sterett with the pledge of Allegiance. There was no open forum.
Bill Ewing cannot get the village sign we selected but has another one that will be comparable. Brian will tell Bill to go ahead with and purchase the new sign.
We have three CDs that will be renewed in November. Marilyn will check with the bank and see what the rate is at that time. Kathie made a motion to accept the treasurer's report, minutes and invoices. Dick 2nd, motion carried.
James talked to MVP and they are going to wave the trip charge and labor when they install the new pump. James will repair the hole in the road at the library. Shane Reed will work on the water tower light.
Dick reported he has two new permits.
There will be a baseball tournament at the ball field on October 20, 2018. Next spring we have work that needs to be done at the ballpark. It needs to be cleaned and the tables need sanded and painted, we need some lights and some new locks. We will be winterizing the bathrooms at the parks soon.
New Business: The Village Mapping project has been completed. Brian will purchase two fire extinguishers to put in the community building.
We will have the electricity turned on the poles for the Christmas decorations.
We appreciate Marilyn Simmons, Kathie Curtiss and Nathanial Curtiss for removing the bushes from the front of the Community Building.
Nanci made a motion to adjourn at 8:08 p.m.
Kevin 2nd motion carried. Members present were Kathie Curtiss, Richard Goff, Kevin Mortimer, Brian Sterett and Nanci Sterett.
Rebecca Price was absent.
Others present were:
Marilyn Simmons Treasurer; Judy Gravgaard Clerk; and James Rogers city employee.
Respectfully Submitted,
Judy L. Gravgaard,
Village Clerk