The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe Hires Burt As Full-time Police Officer; Awards Bids on City Hunting Ground

by Michael Rodeffer

After coming out of executive session, the La Harpe Council made and approved a motion, "to approve Marlie Burt as a full-time Police Officer at a straight salary rate of $33,000 yearly which excludes overtime, but will include comp. time. She will have 1 year to use any comp. time accumulated and that time must be approved by her supervisor.

She will be required to pay back any training costs at a pro-rated amount if not staying with the full-time position with the La Harpe Police Department for 2 years from full employment, effective 11-13-18. Marlie Burt will have to sign a formal, written contract agreeing to these terms."

The council also earlier had approved sending Marlie Burt for her 2 week transition class to be full time. Burt reported she had passed her state academy course at Galesburg.

The La Harpe Council opened sealed bids and approved 3-year leases for 9 tracts of land for the hunting rights. The high bids were announced and approved as follows:

Under public comment, Bette June Mapes asked the council to approve the parade route for December 4th between 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. which would close off most of Main Street for that time. The council approved the Christmas Parade Resolution. The council also agreed to donate $500 toward the expenses for the Hometown Christmas Celebration.

The council discussed bids for a new furnace at city hall. Since the furnace was working okay at the moment, the council decided no action was needed at this time. The council had to take action on completion of RD documents for the Water Improvement Project.

The council passed an ordinance establishing new water rates. After May 1st, 2021, the base water rate will go to $38. The current rate is now $25. The council plans on a few gradual rate increases up until that time.

The council also passed a motion to authorize IMEG to advertise for bids subject to Rural Developments concurrence. The council discussed motor issues again with the Dodge police truck and decided to price used motors.

The council also approved:

Attending the meeting were: Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed, Kelly Harkey, Randy Shumaker, Greg Wisslead, Brian Covert, Dave Clover, Jerry Burford, Clerk Lucretia McPeak, Treasurer Maggie Link, Attorney Chris Scholz, employees Tim Graves, Monalisa Graves, Larry Finch, Marlie Burt, IMEG Reps Eric Moe and Megan Crook, Justin Graves, and Bette June Mapes, Dan Gillett and Michael Rodeffer.