The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Oquawka Village Board Swears In Brenda Tee as New Trustee

The Oquawka Village Board held it's regular scheduled meeting on November 6. Tammy Bundy was absent.


Since I wasn't on the agenda, I took this opportunity to ask the board a few questions that I had about the pending poultry ordinance. I questioned what the plan would be if the chickens that are currently running loose weren't caged per the new ordinance.

I also wanted to know who would be in charge of catching free roaming chickens and where they would be taken when captured.

I went on to state that my father and friends used to raise game birds as a hobby and that he had a federal license for that.

I told them several years ago he had received a letter from the licensing agency stating that he must immediately vaccinate all birds for typhoid.

This made me wonder if the village would require vaccinations for poultry. I ended by asking if it wouldn't be easier to leave the law the way it is and enforce it.

Mayor Eldridge said he thought these were good points and that he had more questions as well. He said it would be discussed later in the meeting and would most likely be tabled until the next work session.


Chris stated sixteen of the broken water meters have been fixed. Lain asked if there was more to add to the list and Chris answered that there were more on the existing list and more will be added as they are found but that the city workers were putting a good dent in it

Eldridge informed the board that the new copy machine had been installed at village hall. There was some discussion on what to do with the old copy machine and it was decided that it would go to the Parks and Tourism Commitee building.


Youngquist stated the trial for Ron Bigger junk and debris ordinance violation was held on the 31st and he had been found guilty. He also noted that there were several more scheduled for the 19th.


Jeff said they had dug up a pipe at the water tower for Jenna so that they could verify the size of the pipe for a cut in valve to be installed. The valve is to be installed November 7th. He also told the board they had shut down the water tower while Jenna was upgrading the chlorine room.

Jeff said they had removed all of the ash trees by the cemetery per the request of the cemetery board. Nancy mentioned getting some bids for the stump removal.

Eldridge asked Jeff if he knew when the tree at the fire station would be removed. Jeff said the tree service was waiting for the area to dry up so that they wouldn't get stuck. Eldridge then asked when they would be able to install Donna Dunn's water service. Jeff said before they could dig they needed to schedule a standby locate with Nicor due to a high pressure gas main in the area.

The board asked that Christmas decorations be installed before the Christmas parade on December 1st. Lain stated they need to rent a man lift to do this. Jeff will call RSC in Burlington and schedule the man lift.


Nancy informed the board that the Oquawka Christmas Committee is going to have a lighted Christmas tree contest. The contest will be held at Oquawkiek Park. Entrants must have their decorated tree at the park no later than November 29th. The trees will be left up so that the public can vote for their favorite and the winner will be announced after the Christmas parade. Cash prizes will be awarded.


Eldridge asked the board if they would like to discuss the poultry ordinance further or if they would just like to leave it the way it is. Nancy said she didn't like the idea of punishing the entire village because of one person and that it didn't matter if that person had one chicken or twenty they weren't going to clean it up.

She said they have nuisance laws that they could enforce on that person. Lain said he wouldn't want each of his neighbors to have three chickens.

When asked by Eldridge if he wanted to leave it the way it is, Lain said yes and that he didn't think the village should go looking for it but if there is a complaint then enforce it. Howard said if it's not broke, don't fix it.

Ray said leave it. Eldridge said then at this time there would be no more discussion on the topic.


Coral Seitz addressed the board representing the Oquawka Toy Drive. She asked if the Toy Drive could use the village's tax ID number when they go shopping for toys. It was agreed that would be ok.

Eldridge said he would like to use the excess money in the Ruth Bergman account to pay off the loan on the "brush truck" fire truck.

After the recent payment was made there is approximately $16,000 owed on the truck and approximately $16,000 in the account. Ray made a motion to pay off the brush truck. Motion passed with all voting yes.

Eldridge said at this time, due to the resignation of Trustee Jern, he would like to nominate Brenda Tee to fill the seat until the April Election. Eldridge asked each board member if they were ok with the nomination.

All agreed. Brenda then took her oath and her seat at the table.


Eldridge then asked to go into closed session to discuss the sale of the fire station and equipment.

Jeff Tee

River Rat News

"Just the facts, Ma'am"


From left is newly sworn in Oquawka Village Trustee Brenda Tee, with Village Clerk Jacqueline Smith, and Oquawka Mayor Robert Eldridge.

(River Rat News/Jeff Tee)