The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Dale Bolton Is Back As Supervisor of Assessment

Joy Swearingen, Correspondent

Carthage:Dale Bolton has returned to the Hancock County Supervisor of Assessments office.

Bolton was supervisor for 14 years, resigning in September of 2015. He has 21 years of additional experience in property assessment.

Bolton fills the vacancy left after the dismissal of Kelly Joiner by the Hancock County Board on July 18, 2017. Heide Wilson has been interim supervisor since that time, while a qualified candidate was sought for the position.

This spring, Bolton has assisted Wilson to finish assessments. The office also used Bell Weather, a company that contracts with counties to do property assessments. The assessments have been completed and published.

The board of review is currently meeting for questions or concerns from property owners about their assessments. County Treasurer Kris Pilkington estimates tax bills will be sent out later this summer with due dates in August and September.

The board approved an annual salary of $75,000 for Bolton's four-year appointment. The supervisor of assessments' salary is partially reimbursed by the state.

Other county officers' salaries were set at the board meeting May 22. The county clerk and the county treasurer salaries were approved at $52,940, which will increase to $56,840 in the fourth year of the term.

The County Sheriff's salary was set at $64,495, and that will increase over four years to $68,695.

Board president Delbert Kreps and Tom Scheetz voted no on the salary resolutions. After the vote Kreps explained he was concerned about rising costs for the county.

The board approved replacement and repair of bridges. A bridge in Pilot Grove Township across Rock Creek will use 80 percent federal funds to cover the $420,000 estimated cost. The local share of $84,000 is split between the county and the township.

A bridge in Augusta Township across Flour Creek will be repaired for $20,000, which will be divided equally between the county and the township.

A bridge in Wythe Township across Little Bear Creek will be repaired at an estimated cost of $48,000, shared between the county and township.

The county will join the Illinois Public Works Municipal Aid Network costing $250 per year. This is similar to the mutual aid agreements between fire departments. In case of a disaster, the county may be called on to assist other communities, or help may come to Hancock County when needed.

Being part of the network cuts down on paper work when help is needed since the plan for equipment use, reimbursement, insurance and other details is arranged in advance.

The assisting county is responsible for its own costs for the first five days of help. Then the county requesting help will reimburse the assisting communities after five days. The county can determine if they are able to provide the need requested.

The board increased the minimum bid for delinquent tax property from $650 to $750. The service agreement with Joseph I Meyer and associates, the tax agent, increased their payment to $450 or 25 percent of the sale price of the property, whichever is greater.

County Clerk Kerry Asbridge clarified that these bids are not part of the regular tax sales, but are steps for processing delinquent tax properties.

Kreps announced that a carry-in lunch on July 6 is being hosted by Rodney Clark, Circuit Judge, to celebrate July 4th and the 200th anniversary of Illinois. A portrait of Abraham Lincoln will be presented to Hancock County.

Troy Pierce was reappointed to a two-year term on the Hancock County Board of Review. Monica Crim and Andy Bastert were reappointed to three-year terms on the county Board of Health.