The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
La Harpe Memorial Day Service Remembers Fallen
La Harpe's annual Memorial Day service was held Monday, May 28 at 10:00 a.m. in the city's park.
Despite the warm muggy weather, a large crowd attended the following program:
- Welcome-American Legion Auxiliary by Sec. Chris Little
- Presentation of Colors- by the American Legion Post #301
- Star-Spangled Banner- by Francis Scott Key-Arr.-Audience Sing
- Opening Prayer- by Lee Unger, Methodist Minister, La Harpe, Durham, Terre Haute
- Pledge of Allegiance led by La Harpe Boy Scouts
- Memorial Day Poem read by American Legion Auxiliary President Joan Siegworth
- Special Music - 4th Grade Ensemble "We Remember" by Steven Curtis Chapman; Stephanie Mencel director
- Remarks by Mayor Katherine Hasten-Reed
- Speaker- Gary Jackson - Iraq Veteran
- Recognition of all Veterans- by Darrell Kraft
- Recognition of Gold Star & Blue Star Mothers- by Harry Fark, Post #301 Commander
- Special Music- Gordon Blankenship, La Moine Camp Manager
- Land of Liberty Concert March - La Harpe Jr. High Concert Band, Arr. by James Swearingen, with Stephanie Mencil, Director
- Closing Prayer - Rick Goettsche, Assoc. Minister, Union Church
- Retiring of Colors - American Legion Post #301
- Twenty-One Gun Salute - American Legion Post #301
- Taps - American Legion Post #301
La Harpe American Legion Post #301 salute during the annual Memorial Day service in the La Harpe City Park Monday morning. From left is Lindsey, John Lee, Dan Gillett and Roger Johnson.