The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
West Central Seats Schaley, As New Board Member
At the May 16th West Central School Board meeting, the Oath of Office was administered to newly appointed board member Brendan Schaley. He then took his seat at the board table.
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 the West Central Elementary School cafeteria by Board President Jodi Arnold.
All board members, with the exception of Mike Lenahan, were present at roll call. Student representatives to the Board of Education, Heidi Ford and Wesley Stewart were present.
President Arnold led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Under Good News Items the following items were highlighted:
- Presentation from Elementary Enrichment Class
- Harrison Fisher competed in the Regional Special Olympics on Saturday, May 5, 2018. He ran the mile in 6:28 and will advance to State in June.
- West Central Middle School hosted Scholastic Bowl Regionals on Wednesday, April 25, 2018. There were six teams involved. West Central Middle School won both of their matches in pool play and advanced to the finals. They were runner-up in the championship round.
- Madison Garner, Kevin DeMent, Ben Hill, Ashley Shultz, Logan Avery, and Kailee Yates were selected for the IPA Student Recognition Breakfast, which was held at WIU.
- We appreciate the local Lion's Club and the Henderson County Soil and Water Conservation group for partnering to provide trees to our 4th grade students as they celebrated Earth Day.
- The Stronghurst Hustlers 4-H group donated several books to WCE.
- Congratulations were given to Mrs. Klossing and Mrs. Mills for having a Donors Choose project fully funded and to Mrs. Lumbeck for being awarded a Meemic Foundation grant.
- Board member Spence commented on how impactful the Mock Crash was that was hosted by the high school prior to prom.
- Ebony Thompson qualified for the IESA State Track Meet in discus and shot put. She placed 11th in discus and 13th in shot put at State and broke the school record with 83'8" in discus.
- Breanne Kidd qualified for the IESA State Track Meet in long jump. She placed 20th in long jump and achieved a personal best of 15'2.25".
- Kaiden Droste qualified for the IESA State Track Meet in the 100m, 200m, 400m, and long jump. Kaiden took 1st place in all four events and single-handedly won the State Championship. He also set a state record in long jump of 19'9.5". Kaiden also broke school records in all four of his events.
- WCHS student Sadie Lenz qualified for the state IHSA track meet in the triple jump.
- Heidi Ford was selected as the State Section 4 FFA Treasurer.
- After graduation practice, the seniors went on their Graduation March through the elementary hallways.
- Graduation was held on May 13, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. The Class of 2018 graduated 53 students.
- The agenda was approved as presented with one deletion:
- IX.Q. Consider Approval of Tentative Amended FY18 District Budget
- Richard Clifton addressed the board with his thoughts on moving to one attendance site and the benefits of doing so.
- The board approved the Consent Agenda. Items approved under the Consent Agenda included the following:
- The minutes of the April 18, 2018, regular meeting and closed session,
- The minutes of the May 2, 2018 special meeting and closed session,
- The April 2018 bills, April 2018 building activity account reports, the April 2018 treasurer's report, and review of the district financial snapshot,
- 2018-2019 student fees as presented. All fees remain the same as the 2017-2018 fees with the exception of lunch and snack milk prices. Lunch prices will increase $.05, and Kindergarten snack milk prices will increase to $.25/carton or $35.00/year.
- Bids for milk (Anderson Erikson) and bread (Bimbo Bakeries) as presented,
In other business the board:
- Continued membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards as presented,
- The WCES 2018-2019 Student Handbook as presented,
- The WCMS 2018-2019 Student Handbook as presented,
- The WCHS 2018-2019 Student Handbook as presented,
- The Summer 2018 Behind the Wheel Driver Education Program as presented,
- The final FY18 school calendar as presented,
- An agreement with McDonough District Hospital for a Student Random Drug Testing Program for the 2018-2019 school year as presented, and
- Request to change the signatory name on the Gerling Scholarship from Paul Anderson to Jodi Arnold.
- approved the nomination of board member Steve Lumbeck as Vice-President of the Board of Education.
- approved the appointment of board member Brendan Schaley to the Farm Board Sub-Committee.
- approved the WCES School-wide Title I Plan as presented,
- approved the WCMS School-wide Title I Plan as presented,
- approved the renewal quote for the District insurance package as presented.
- approved the West Central FFA Livestock Judging Team request to travel to Harrisburg, PA to represent the IL FFA at the Keystone International National Contest.
- reviewed and heard reports from the building principals; Melinda Frakes, District Technology Coordinator; and Shaila Ayer, District Psychologist and Special Education Director.
- discussed attending the IASB School Board Conference in Chicago in November.
- discussed replacing the baseball scoreboard at the middle school. Mr. Kirby will explore options.
The board entered closed session at 7:26 p.m. to discuss matters related to personnel and contract.
The board exited closed session at 7:59 p.m.
The board took the following action in regards to personnel:
- approved moving the retirement date for Tanya Morrison from May 31, 2018 to June 29, 2018
- accepted the resignation of Kortni Canty as a part-time Title I Associate with thanks for her service
- accepted the resignation of Jacalyn Kendall as Bus Driver with thanks for her service
- approved the employment of Deb Lescallett as a home-bound instructor
- approved the employment of Ethan Siebers as a Physical Education Teacher
- approved the employment of Josh Heitman as a Social Studies/Business Teacher
- approved the employment of Jason Kirby as the WCHS Principal
- accepted the resignation of Jeanne Seitz as a WCHS Student Council Co-Sponsor with thanks for her service
- accepted the resignation of Adam Boyle as the WCHS Golf Coach with thanks for his service
- approved the employment of Kristen Kennelly as the WCHS Spanish Club Sponsor.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Wednesday, June 20, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the West Central Elementary cafeteria.
The board adjourned their meeting at 8:08 p.m.