The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By Elaine Slater Reese - Spring Green, Wi.
I can't believe this will be my 54th year as a mother. Yes, you are correct. Your mom is getting old. I know it is time to say the things I want you to always remember.
Remember that I jumped for joy and thanked God when I learned you were going to be born. You cannot know the depth of my love until you hold your own child in your arms. God made each of you different, and none of you ever ceased to amaze me.
Because you were boys ( and all boys) I spent years breaking up fights, finding critters under my pillow, making brownies, sharing a home with rabbits, cats, dogs, tadpoles, crickets.
There was the time two of you argued and someone grabbed a baseball bat. In the frenzy it flew into the aquarium. Was I upset when I came home and found fish gasping for air on the carpet?
Remember when you called me at work because the rabbit was sick? My boss was gracious enough to let me bring you and the bunny back to the office. My CPR on the bunny didn't solve the problem!
I had to learn all the rules of Little League, baseball, football, soccer, and wrestling. Then one day I blinked and there you were accepting your graduation diploma. And you each went your own way in education and jobs.
Before I knew it there were weddings, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Now there are no toys to trip over, no sports events I should attend, not much pizza or hot dogs.
You don't know the times when I think of you and a smile comes across my face - or I walk past a photo of you and tears fill my eyes.
There are three things I hope you will always remember if you think of me.
Your mom's best friend was Jesus and she spends eternity with Him. Her greatest prayer was that He would be your best friend, too.
And remember what I never wanted to be - a photo in an old frame for sale in a antique shop. And please smile when you remember me telling you that current joke. "I want my ashes spread at Wal-Mart so you will come to see me once in a while."
I love you, Sons - Mom