The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor
Mayor Brendan Schaley read a letter from WIRC, at the Village of Stronghurst board meeting, May 7th, stating that two more homes in the slated rehabilitation area of Stronghurst were needed. The letter stated four residents have been approved, but at least 6 are needed. Those selected so far include: 115 N. Elizabeth St; 201 S. Elizabeth St; 110 N Division St; and 215 W. Main St. The board will ask Randy Jarvis, who did the original survey, to go back to the homes and encourage more to apply.
MSA representative Chris Cooper, presented the board with water tower bill #9, in the amount of $147,535. This amount will cover the cost of paint and electrical supplies.
April police report: 133 hours worked, 2 training hours, 1,004 miles on squad car, total traffic stops 3, 2 verbal warnings and 1 uniform traffic ticket, 1 notice to appear, 8 service calls, 2 with county, 3 arrests, 1 press release, 20 business courtesy checks.
In trustees reports Jerry Nortrup asked Ronnie Gittings if the zero turn mower was broken as it is not being used. Gittings explained it is fine and is used where possible but if it is used in ditches it will get stuck every time.
David Vancil said there is still more pot holes on the streets and alleys that need taken care of.
In other business the board:
Present: Mayor Brendan Schaley; Trustees, Mike Bohnenkamp, David Vancil, Jerry Nortrup, Bruce Caldwell, (absent Amanda Kane, Shane Reed); Employees, Ronnie Gittings, Hollie Allen, Arbry Vancil, Attorney Bill Rasmussen; Guests Rob Root, Virginia Ross, Lori Taylor, Chris Cooper, Bob Manning, and Shirley Linder
The next meeting will be held on Monday, June 4th at 7:00 p.m.