The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Diane Gonzalez Resigns As Biggsville Trustee

Judy L. Gravgaard-Biggsville Village Clerk

At the Village of Biggsville monthly board meeting, held May 2nd, Trustee Brian Sterett read a letter of resignation from Diane Gonzalez as a Trustee for the Village of Biggsville.

In the letter, Diane said she has enjoyed working for the Village of Biggsville.

Trustee Dick Goff made a motion to accept Diane's resignation and Kevin Mortimer 2nd the motion- all approved. The trustees thanked Diane for her commitment to the Village of Biggsville.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor-pro-tem Brian Sterett at 7:00 p.m. with the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag.

Open Forum:

Jody Bishop stated she would be happy to take care of the restrooms at Reid open and close them each day and make sure they have supplies.

Jody also inquired about when the water would be turned on and when the shelves would be put back in the shelter house.

Nanci Sterett made a motion with Mortimer's seconded, to accept the invoices, minutes and treasurers report-motion carried.

James reported that he and Mike West met with Greg Fulkerson to discuss having the well filled.

The Council will need to contact someone to do that.

Mike switched the blower pump and the old one quit working.

James Rogers stated that it would need to be fixed. Mike said that the security light at the lagoon stays on 24-hours-a-day.

The Council will make the call to Ameren IL and see if they can change that it was decided.

Old Business:

The restrooms at the ballpark had to be fixed so they could use them during practice. The plumber was called and he came and fixed the girls' restroom and he is now working on the boys' restroom.

Biggsville Village Wide Clean-up is June 2, from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The dumpster will be located along Craig/Cameron's. There will be posters around town telling you what you can and cannot bring.

The plumber and Don Simmons came and looked at the community building bathroom and they had an easier and less expensive way to arrange the handicapped restroom.

The plumber will contact Mr. Sparks from the state to make sure what they propose is in accordance with the states requirements.

Nanci made a motion to use tan and hunter green on the village sign. Dick Goff seconded the motion and all approved.

New Business:

Tina Hubler from the Kirkwood Animal Control presented what she does for the town of Kirkwood and asked if we had any problems and would be interested in using her services.

After some discussion it was decided her services would not be needed at this time. The council appreciated her offer.

Sarah Cassidy at 101 West Main Street, would like to remove the sidewalk at her home and put a "gravel drive" in. The sidewalk is in bad shape.

Nanci made a motion to allow the Cassidys to remove the sidewalk and put in a gravel drive. Dick seconded the motion and all voted to approve the motion.

Kevin made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 p.m. Kathie 2nd, and all approved.

Members present were:

Kathie Curtiss, Richard Golf, Kevin Mortimer, Brian Sterett, and Nanci Sterett. Absent was Diane Gonzalez. Others present were: Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Judy Gravgaard, Clerk; James Rogers and Mike West-employees.