The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The trustees met in the meeting room of the Raritan Fire House March 8, 2018 with Trustees Phil Anders, Rob Williamson, Yvonne Knapp and Clerk Jim Blender answering roll call.
Hugh Forbes said he will be able to help with the Bi- Centennial 200th Anniversary Celebration for the State of Illinois.
The committee has suggested to possibly have a parade in Raritan on July 3rd at 5:00 p.m. It was decided to table it until the next meeting.
It was reported that the Bi-Centennial 200th Committee meets Monday, March 19 and April 9 at the Henderson County Library in Biggsville.
The attorney needs 2 trustees to go to court with her on March 26, 2018.
The board tabled the pump house heating issue until next month.
Visitors were: Robert McGriff, and Hugh Forbes
Bills presented were as follows: Phil Anders $77.74; Dennis Rankin $196.00; Dallas Rural Water $423.37; Waste Management $1,101.60; Ameren Illinois $1,498.42; PDC $17.25; M. Knapp $69.88; Carlyn Anders $97.04.
A motion was made by Trustee Williamson, seconded by Trustee Anders to approve all the above bills. Motion carries
Clerk Blender called the meeting to order and led the trustees in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Clerk Blender opened with a prayer.
On a motion by Trustee Anders, seconded by Trustee Williamson the minutes were approved.
On a motion by Trustee Anders seconded by Trustee Williamson and unanimous approval of the board, the meeting was adjourned to the next regular meeting night in April.