The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville To Get New Lagoon Arietor

The Village of Biggsville's regular meeting was called to order by Mayor-pro-tem Brian Sterett at 7:00 p.m. on March 7th, with the pledge of allegiance.

Members present were:

Kathie Curtiss, Richard Goff, Kevin Mortimer, Brian Sterett, and Nanci Sterett. Absent was Diane Gonzalez.

Others present were: Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Judy Gravgaard, Clerk; and James Rogers.

There was no open forum.

Mississippi Valley has not returned the Village's pump for the lift station.

They stated it would cost almost as much to fix the old pump as to purchase a new one.

Dick Goff made a motion to purchase a new pump for approximately $5,700.00. Nanci Sterett 2nd it and the motion carried.

The Village also needs a new Aerator Pump at the lagoon.

The Village of Biggsville will have a work day in the next couple months to put up the village sign.

Biggsville needs a new roof on the old pump house. They have decided they will put a metal room on when the weather permits.

A copy of the plans for the bathroom was received. The plumber and the Village Architect will give the board an estimate of what it would cost.

Nanci Sterett made a motion to accept the Minutes, Invoices and Treasurer Report. Kathie Curtiss 2nd the motion and all approved.

Kathie Curtiss made a motion at 7:55 p.m. to adjourn the meeting and Nanci Sterett 2nd it, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy L. Gravgaard

Village Clerk