The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By Elaine Slater Reese - Spring Green, Wi.
Dear Country, it's almost birthday time again.
I have always loved celebrating July 4th - your special day.
We enjoy the parades, the patriotic music, the picnics, and your flag of red, white, and blue which represents so much of your history.
But this past year I don't find myself as excited or happy as usual. As I listen to the news, I find myself concerned.
What has happened to us as a country? Of course we have made some progress. But it is the extreme bitterness that concerns me most.
One of your great assets was that we were each equal and we could each express our opinions - in a civil manner. I see less and less civility each day.
Even our school children are not allowed to speak or act like we see our President and Congress do at this time. And that ugliness seems to be rubbing off on many of us.
It's obvious that much of the world has lost their respect for the USA. So before I bake the cake and get out the candles, please tell me which party you choose!
I see both the parties (Republican and Democrat in Washington) in what I call a disgraceful representation.
America, I will again this birthday honor you. There is no other country where I would rather live. But take notice -we are well aware that much is out of control. We know change can only start with our prayers and our votes.
You are on notice!