The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Board To Discuss Requst For Gambling Machines In New Restaurants

By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor

Sara Evans, owner of The Feedlot Grill, was present at the Village of Stronghurst board meeting on Monday, June 4th, to ask what information the board needed to consider slot machines for her business. Robbie Root, owner of Kone Korner, was also present and interested in gaming machines.

There is an ordinance on the books no gambling in Stronghurst, but attorney Bill Rasmussen said it is not hard to draw up a new ordinance, one that amends the liquor ordinance and a new one for gambling.

David Vancil said Oquawka had made four or five thousand dollars so far this year from gambling. The comment was made the village needs the revenue, however, apparently it would receive only 5% of the total profits.

Following discussion Mayor Pro Tem Shane Reed said they would put it on the agenda for next month's meeting when the whole board would be present. Evans will ask one of the vendors to be present to answer all questions.

Robbie Root requested his village liquor license now so he can proceed with paper work for the state license. Bruce Caldwell, chair of the liquor committee, stated, "When this thing first started you were to be up and running. Sara did it and you can do it." To which Root replied, " I've been up and running since February 1st."

Caldwell said, " You're not going to serve beer out of the ice cream shop."

A lengthy discussion followed as to how Evans did not get her license until the day she opened and that the board needed to be fair. In the final analysis Root was told to wait until Mayor Brendan Schaley returned and see what he has to say since he is the commissioner of the liquor ordinance. Root said it would probably be the end of August before his business was open.

The water tower has the primer coat on it now, but they had ran out of blue and had to re-order. Since it is $400 a gallon they try not to have any left and enough had not been ordered.

The board paid $1500 extra to have the Stronghurst is larger letters than initially decided. They were assured the stencil would belong to the city in the event they needed it for future use.

The name "Stronghurst" will run south to north on the east side of the tower and the focal point for the center of the word will be Jean Rodeffer's house.

Lori Taylor inquired if the village board was doing anything for the state bi-centennial this year and was informed no. She stated the Booster Club were thinking of having a birthday cake during the Christmas walk and was thinking possibly of firework.

Ronnie Gittings reported all electrical jobs are now done at the water plant. They will still need to build a little room inside the new water tower and then it would probably take a week to install the electricity to the tower.

Gittings requested buying a Plate Compactor for $500-$700 instead of renting one each time for $80. The board approved the purchase as it can be used when replacing sidewalks and hydrants, etc. to pack down the dirt.

Regarding the Spray Park Gittings said they had replaced all the diaphragms, 2 of celluloid's, and it ran until Sunday and then the stop/ start button went out. He stated there is no manual for upkeep or repair on it but they are beginning to understand how it works now. It was decided it would be open from noon until 8 p.m. each day when it is fixed.

Police report for May included: 95 hours worked; 609 miles on squad car; 1 traffic stop, with verbal warning; 8 service calls; and 22 business courtesy checks.

Police Chief Arbry Vancil was asked if he had looked at the video yet regarding vandalism in the park. He said he had not gotten to it. Apparently the spray park was filled with mud again and a hole poked in the lining of a water feature.

Randy Jarvis has checked with each household in the area of the WIRC rehabilitation grant again and reported a fifth household has qualified. He said there are four more applications being considered but even if they don't get the 6th qualifier they will still move forward with the grant.

In other business the board:

Present were: Mayor Pro Tem Shane Reed; Trustees, Mike Bohnenkamp, David Vancil, Jerry Nortrup, Bruce Caldwell (absent Amanda Kane and Mayor Brendan Schaley);

Employees: Hollie Allen, Ronnie Gittings, Arbry Vancil, Attorney Bill Rasmussen;


Chris Cooper, David Knutstrom, Randy Jarvis, Lori Taylor, Sara Evans, Virginia Ross, Robbie Root, Shirley Linder

The next regular meeting will be July 2 at 7:00 p.m. at the Village Hall.