The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Seats New Trustee

At the Village of Biggsville board meeting on June June 6th, Rebecca Price was appointed to fill a vacancy on the trustee board. She was read the Oath of Office and sworn in by Mayor Pro-tem Brian Sterett.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Pro-tem, Brian Sterett at 7 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance.

After review by the trustees, the minutes and treasurer's reports were accepted.

Jim Rogers reported that he has been working at the ball park preparing the ball diamond. He also reported that the grass around the parks is very tall and he was approached by Paul DeVaul and Tyler Haas requesting permission to cut and bale the grass. Permission was granted. Nanci did state that there is an expectation that the area be left looking nice when the baling is done.

A new sidewalk is being considered in front of the Community Building and since the evergreen are close to the walk they will be removed and possibly replaced by some type of smaller bush. Richard Goff is going to contact FramKon regarding the concrete work.

Brian also reported that there is the possibility of an Eagle Scout project for that area. The project consists of a special container for the placement of old flags. At a time later the flags will be taken and properly disposed of in a special service.

Jim Rogers has obtained several bids for a new subcompact tractor that can be used for mowing, has a bucket on the front and other attachments that can be purchased as needed. A motion was made by Nanci Sterett and seconded by Richard Goff to purchase a Kioti from Cole's Implement in Media.

Jody Bishop reported that she is in need of some flowers and hanging baskets for the shelter house at Reid Park.

She is also requesting a new pair of shears, and a garden hose with sprayer. This will be paid for out of the parks fund.

Lou Boyer has requested permission to plant the black barrels along main street.

The bank has given her $100 to purchase plants and the village will also help purchase flowers from the park fund. Jeanette Randall has offered to help Lou with this project.

There are several dead trees at the ballpark that need to come down. The village will see that the dead trees are removed and if they will be replaced.

The old Lion's Club shelter is going to be taken down this Saturday June 9th.

We are going to check back on the minutes from fall to see which bid we accepted from Bill Ewing regarding the village sign to be place near the new four lane highway.

Louise Webb gave a talk on the new Henderson Country MRC, Medical Reserve Corps.

This is sponsored by the Henderson Country Health Department and will consist of volunteers, medical professionals and others who want to assist their community in activities that promote and strengthen public health, emergency response and community resilience.

If a disaster, floods, tornadoes, etc the volunteers would be available to help in many different ways. They would have some training in first aid and CPR but medical professionals would also be a part of the team.

Right now they are dealing with the drug issue in Henderson County. They are providing education for kids and parents.

They have applied for a grant but all donations are needed and welcome. Donations should be made to Medical Reserve Corp and sent to Diana Seitz at the Health Department.

We received the Prevailing Wage Ordinance from our attorney. A motion was made by Kathie Curtiss to accept the Ordinance and seconded by Nancy Sterett. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.

Members present were: Kathy Curtiss, Richard Goff, Kevin Mortimer, Brian Sterett and Nanci Sterett. Others present were: Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer, and James Rogers. Judy Gravgaard, Clerk was excused.

Submitted by

Marilyn Simmons