The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the Village of Biggsville board meeting on July 11th, Nanci made a motion to purchase the 88" x 17" village sign from Rocket Graphics. Kathie 2nd, motion carried.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem, Brian Sterett at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Open Forum: Jody Bishop would like to sand the tables and benches at Reid Park and refinish them. She would need brushes, sand paper and water sealer. She would also like to paint a hop scotch game on one of the basketball court. Everyone agreed Jody could proceed. She has been mowing the lawn at Reid Park and will no longer be able to do so. That will be taken care of by the board.
Kathie made a motion to accept the treasurer's report, bills and June minutes. Nanci 2nd motion carried.
James reported he has the new mower. Several have cleaned up their yards.
We have had to mow a yard and they will be receiving a bill from the village. If we have to mow it a second time we will get the lawyer involved. Please keep the weeds down in your yards.
Mississippi Valley fixed a pump at the lift stations. They brought a pump for the lift station so we have a spare. James will be spraying the sidewalks on Main Street.
We have one permit pending for a fence. It has been reported that chickens have been getting out. A letter will be sent to the owner reminding them of the ordinance.
Nanci is still planning a block party in the fall.
The netting at the ballpark has had some deer caught in it. It will be taken down.
We also have some dead trees. We will get three bids to remove the dead trees and go with the lowest.
The Lions Club shelter has been taken down at the ballpark.
New Business: Dick make a motion to approve the Appropriations Ordinance, Kevin 2nd motion carried.
Kathie made a motion to approve the Small Wireless Facility Ordinance Kevin 2nd, motion carried
The board thanked Kathie and Marilyn for taking down the bushes in front of the Community Hall. They will take the rest down when it gets cooler. James removed them from the premises.
Nanci made a motion to adjourn at 8:08 p.m. Kathie 2nd motion carried.
Members present were: Kathie Curtiss, Richard Goff, Kevin Mortimer, Brian Sterett and Nanci Sterett. Absent was Rebecca Price. Others present were: Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Judy Gravgaard, Clerk and James Rogers
Respectfully submitted
Judy L. Gravgaard, Village Clerk