The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe City Council Swears in Harkey; Hires Lynn Hoyt

By: Mike Rodeffer, The Quill

The La Harpe City Council met at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 9th for their first regular scheduled meeting in July.

Kelly Harkey was sworn in as 3rd Ward Alderwoman to replace Ryan Olson who had resigned in June. Olson is moving out of La Harpe.

After an executive session, the council hired Lynn Hoyt as part time police officer at an hourly rate of $14 per hour. Hoyt is from rural Macomb.

Hoyt stated he had started at McDonough County Jail back in 2005. He has also worked in Warsaw, Colchester, and Stronghurst on the police force. His effective start date at La Harpe will be July 16th.

Amanda Mohr proposed having wild flowers instead of grass at the T intersection at the west edge of La Harpe. Mohr was willing to contact state representatives to see if there would be any money available to help fund the project. Mohr will keep the council informed on her findings.

William Smith spoke to the council about some of his experiences from fishing at the reservoir. Smith has been fishing there for 30 years and didn't see the need for the reservoir to be shocked as had been recommended at the last council meeting. Smith thought the main problem was too few predator fish, which would be flatheads and bass, which has resulted in too many small bluegill. Smith suggested a Kids Derby with prizes to get younger ones involved in fishing.

Tim Graves said the Lions Club held fishing derbys years ago and thought maybe they could be asked about helping with a kids derby.

Dave Clover and Smith were willing to help organize an event. With the excess heat of this summer it was suggested to plan for earlier next summer.

Eric Moe from IMEG Engineering firm noted the water project plans have been submitted to IEPA and IDOT and are now being reviewed. Moe also added Lynn Armstrong from Rural Development was working on a final underwriting for the project and once they are submitted to the state and federal agencies to assess they should find out how much grant money is available.

Alderman Brian Covert noted Kenny Foster had requested his 10 day vacation pay. The council took no action on this matter as Foster had not been full time for a year.

ESDA official Max Owsley noted the county board was giving money to ESDA to buy a drone which could be used for search and rescue projects if needed.

In other action the council approved:

The council went into executive session at 7:51 and exited at 8:12. Council adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Present were: Aldermen, Brian Covert, Greg Wisslead, Randy Shumaker, Jerry Burford, Dave Clover; Alderwoman Kelly Harkey; Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed; Clerk Lucretia McPeak; Treasurer Maggie Link; an associate of Attorney Chris Scholz; ESDA official Max Owsley; Employees, Tim Graves, Police Chief Larry Finch, police officer Marli Burt; Amanda Mohr, Lynn Hoyt, Eric Moe, Richard Wood, William Smith, Dan Gillett, Chad Burt, and Michael Rodeffer

Next Monday, July 16, at 6:00 p.m., La Harpe City Council will have a joint committee meeting. On the agenda will be the budget, and a discussion on the current police department's future status, whether to keep the department or to contract with the Sheriff's Department. This will just be a discussion and is open to the public.

Lynn Hoyt (left) standing with the La Harpe City Chief Police was hired as part time police officer Monday evening.

Kelly Harkey (left) is being sworn in as Alderwoman at the La Harpe City Council Meeting Monday evening by City Clerk Lucretia McPeak.