The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Take "The Quill" Along

"The Quill" accompanied Marie Owsley Basso of Sherman and Dawn Hardy, of Cleveland, OH, to the Holy Land in November 2017. They sailed a "Jesus Boat" on the Sea of Galilee, toured several national parks, ruins of King Herrod's Palace and were re-baptized in the River Jordan. It had long been on Marie's "Bucket List" to visit the Garden of Gethsemane.

In the Holy City of Jerusaluem, they were able to visit Christian, Islamic and Jewish churches. A fun day was spent at the Dead Sea, which included one of their famous mud baths.

Their traveling companions were mostly from Boston, MA and the country of Brazil. "They were the most wonderful, caring people we ever met, Marie said. "We feel so blessed to take such a memorial trip."

When you go on a trip, take "The Quill" along, and have your picture taken with it, and send it to us.

Let's see where all "The Quill" can travel.