The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Board Announces Christmas Lighting Contest Winners

By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor

At the regular Village of Stronghurst board meeting held on Monday, January 8th the board announced the following Christmas lighting winners: 1st-Jon Williams-$100; 2nd-Roger Countryman-$50; 3rd-Julie Myers-$25.

President Brendan Schaley said Arb Vancil had officially resigned from judging the contest next year. Amanda Kane volunteered to do the judging.

Chris Cooper with MSA said a payment of $120,352.08 for the water tower is due. Motion passed to pay the bill.

Cooper passed out pamphlets to the trustees with the colors for the water tower and lettering displays to look at.  It was decided ‘Stronghurst’ will be painted on the east side of the tower running from north to south in 30” high letters, taking approximately 27 feet.

Motor control parts and electrical parts will not be arriving until the first of March, considerably behind deadline. Mayor Schaley will call the contractor and talk to him about a deduction in price since it is so far behind the original deadline.

Ronnie Gittings reported well 4 has now been rejuvenated and is now producing more water than at any time since he has been employed.

Gittings recommended the renewal for Diamond Maps which is a GPS system for locating meter pits and valves at a cost of $228 a year. He stated it saves a lot of time locating pits since all the information is on line. The board voted to renew the contract.

The police report for December included: 81 hours worked, 2 training hours, 627 squad car patrol miles; 1 traffic stop; 1 verbal waring; 6 service calls; 2 assists with county; and 20 business checks.  

President Schaley reported on the finance committee meeting with Diana Doran regarding the village insurance, which is due February 3rd.  There has been one claim in 3 years. The committee is suggesting increasing coverage by 2% and the premium will decrease $3,609 due to basically good relations. It is being suggested another million dollars be added to the liability at a cost of $350. This was just a discussion item and will be officially voted on at the next meeting.

Mike Bohnenkamp said Oak Lane & Nursing were donating a tree in the spring to be planted in memory of Bryan Bohnenkamp. He also said his sister would like to purchase and place a plaque on one of the park benches in memory of Bryan since he had helped in the refurbishing of the benches.  Both requests were approved by the board.

At 7:30 the board entered executive session for the purpose of employee relations.

Following the executive session the board accepted the resignation of Clerk/Treasurer Morgan Lewis as of January 17th.

Present were: President Brendan Schaley; Trustees, Mike Bohnenkamp, Jerry Nortrup, Amanda Kane, David Vancil, Bruce Caldwell, (Shane Reed, absent); Employees, Ronnie Gittings, Morgan Lewis, Arbry Vancil; Guests, Chris Cooper, Lori Taylor, Betty Waterman, Robert Root, Shirley Linder

The next meeting will be held February 5, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.