The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Raritan Board Purchases Generator For Pump House

At the meeting of the Village of Raritan board on January 11th the board voted to accept paper bids for a 10,000 watt generator for the pump house.

The meeting was called to order by President Earl Waller leading in the Pledge of Allegiance. Sammy Blender led the group in prayer.

Bills were presented and approved as follows: Phil Anders $99; Dennis Rankin $196; Dallas Rural Water $498.65; Waste Management $1,101.60; Raritan Township $332.25; Quill $18.81; Carlyn Anders $55; Mike Knapp $80.

Lucy Anderson reported that they are working on the cars.

The discussion on State Bi-Centennial Celebration was tabled.

The court dates Rob Williamson and Michael Knapp were to attend were cancelled.

In new business the board approved and adopted the Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment, Ordinance 78 A.

Those present were: President Earl Waller; Trustees, Phil Anders, Rob Williamson, Michael Knapp, Yvonne Knapp, Dwayne Magee, Sammy Blender; Clerk Jim Blender; Guests, Robert McGriff, Lucy Anderson, Wade Harmon.

Jim Blender,

Raritan Village Clerk