The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Members of the La Harpe school board met January 9, in the school library for a Goal Setting Workshop which was conducted by President Bobi James and Superintendent Ryan Olson.
The board identified their core values and beliefs about students and learning, teachers and teaching, and school-community relations. A continuation of this workshop is scheduled for March 10, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.
The board held a Committee of the Whole meeting January 16, 2018 in the school library. Dr. Olson led the committee through each of the updates proposed by the Illinois Association of School Boards PRESS Policy Service.
The committee considered wording choices and heard changes in law which warrant the policy updates. Updates are officially approved by board vote in a regular open meeting, then they are sent to PRESS Policy Service and revised district policy manual will be received for the offices and posted on the district website at
The school board held a regular meeting January 16, 2018 in the school district library. Brian Brown, Lacey Covert, Dustin Detherage, Bobi James, Ryan Johnson, Darren Spangler, Cindy Wear, Dr. Ryan Olson Principal Lila McKeown, and Jeanne Clayton attended. The board approved the consent agenda, payment of the bills, policy updates, and a bus route request/application for a Serious Safety Hazard finding.
The board held a semi-annual review and opened the closed meeting minutes from June, August, and September 2017. A member relayed the difficulty some parents were having understanding the curriculum, a technical problem with the grade entering system, and athletic eligibility policy with coaches.
Detherage mentioned some parent concerns about whether 5/6 boys' basketball cancelled games would be rescheduled and 5-8th grade problems with bullying. The administrators reassured him that investigations are made into every specific instance of bullying that is reported.
Spangler initiated a facilities discussion including replacing the PK building roof and demolition of the Corry house. Spangler mentioned contact would need to be made with the architect and an asbestos inspection done. Dr. Olson will ask the ROE about the process.
James mentioned the H.O.P.E. women's group working with Susan Pratt to provide "Food for Thought" weekend food backpacks for needy students. $75 covers the rest of the school year for one child
Dr. Olson included the most recent report of reimbursements not yet processed totaling $128,631.25 for FY18 which have been vouchered by the state, but are still awaiting payment. Over $51k of this total is transportation reimbursement vouchered in December.
No mandated categorical payments have been received for this fiscal year. Dr. Olson gave the board information from IASB on the Governor's amendatory veto of the bill that is intended to clarify the new evidence-based funding model.
Dr. Olson will attend an Evidence-Based Model (EBM) and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) workshop in Macomb January 18 and out of the District on January 26.
La Harpe will host the JV and Varsity Illini West boys' basketball games on Friday, February 9 starting at 6 p.m. against Bushnell-Prairie City.
La Harpe School Board meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month in the school library. Agendas and approved minutes are posted on the website at