The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Mike Rodeffer, The Quill
The La Harpe City Council met Monday, February 26th, with Aldermen Dave Clover, Jerry Burford, Ryan Olsen, Randy Shumaker, Greg Wisslead, and Brian Covert answering roll call. Mayor Kat Hasten was absent.
City Clerk Lucretia McPeak, Treasurer Crystal Graves, and City Attorney Christopher Scholz; employees Larry Finch, Kenny Foster, and Tim and Monalisa Graves were also present.
Others attending were Tyler Ferguson, Michael Lotz, Richard Wood, Eric Moe, Attorney Kurt Dittmer, Dan Gillett, ESDA correspondent Max Owsley, Chad Burt, Benjamin Schweizer, and Michael Rodeffer. Randy Shumaker was voted in as Mayor Pro Tem.
After a lengthy executive session, the La Harpe City Council unanimously approved a motion to hire Benjamin Schweizer as a part-time police office at a rate of $14 per hour.
Attorney Kurt Dittmer gave the Johnson farm report and noted the school had received $385,000. Dittmer explained leases on tillable and hunting ground are up after the 2018 year. Dittmer said the leases could either be extended or put up for bids again. The council approved the report.
The council approved the purchase of 1 Star Comm radio, a portable unit, for $3670.63. Police Chief Larry Finch said he had checked one out and it worked very well in all areas of the town.
Employee Tim Graves noted Dan (Carpenter) and he had met with Eric Moe from McClure Engineering to discuss the new water plant design and location. Graves stated there will need to be 2 wells drilled, preferably 300 feet apart and south of the highway so they won't have to bore under the highway.
Eric Moe from McClure Engineering reported that the surveying work is all done for the water plant site and plans on the water plant project was moving right along.
Police Chief Larry Finch informed the council that Caseys planned to be closed for three days in March for some remodeling work so the council might need to open an account at the Blandinsville Station in case a vehicle would need gas. Finch also informed the council that Marli Burt was checking into free laptops that are offered through State Farm for the police vehicles.
The council discussed opening a revolving line of credit with Fortress Bank in case a need should arise in the future. Fortress Bank needed some city financial information before approving the line of credit. The council agreed to provide that information.
The council discussed a retaining wall that was deteriorating and blocking a walk at Kale Burgdorf's. Alderman Clover thought Burgdorf might be willing to do the work but wasn't sure if it was on city right-of-way or if it was okay with the city to repair it. Attorney Scholz thought it would be fine if Burgdorf was willing to repair it.
Max Owsley asked the council to have the city workers tear out a sidewalk on the west side of his property. He did not want to replace it. Owsley also noted there is standing water issues in their neighborhood due to ditches filling in over time. The council was willing to tear out the sidewalk and look into the drainage problem.
The police department was wanting to buy two "on-board" cameras for the two police vehicles at $5,000 a piece. The police department budget did not have enough money left in it so this issue will be addressed at the March 12th meeting.
In other business the council approved:
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.