The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By Elaine Slater Reese, Spring Green, Wi.
Valentines Day February 14th - the stores are filled with fresh flowers, candies, and beautiful cards that talk about love. But do we even think about what we mean when we use that word?
We love our pets, our phones, our cars, our friends, our family. We each decide to what degree we do that. But it's time to read history books, listen to the daily national and world news. Do we hear and feel the anger, the division, the hopelessness of so many?
Each day the problems seem to grow to be even more serious. We condemn our government for what they do and what they don't do. Maybe we can change some of that and maybe we cannot.
Let's listen to hear ourselves complaining whether we are right or wrong. Let's each come up with our own small first step solution to the problem. Can we resolve that starting on Valentines Day we will do some small act each day forward to make something better?
Do we love enough to prepare and deliver a meal to someone who needs it or is ill? Can we give a caregiver a break for a couple of hours? Can we spend two hours per week visiting the lonely? Can we volunteer at a shelter, a food pantry? Can we love enough to make that apology we know we should?' Is our love strong enough to accept someone else's apology and forgive them and start over?
Are we each going to be too busy and wake up some morning to see that it is too late? Have we forgotten the words of John 3:16 in the Bible's New Testament? "For God so LOVED the world that He gave his only son that those who believe I Him shall not perish but have everlasting life?" Let's love one another and the God who gives us the choice to do that.