The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Lisa Ray, For The Quill
Mayor Robert Eldridge opened the February 6, 2018 regular monthly Board of Trustees meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Eldridge opened the floor for discussion to anyone not on the agenda but would like to speak for 3 minutes. Janet Stubbs was present and approached the board to the possibility of utilizing the museum stage and area to hold monthly bands and or movies. Mayor Eldridge asked Janet to meet with Nancy Bundy to discuss further.
Mayor Eldridge thanked Village Secretary Jackie Smith and Treasurer Chris Peterson for their hard work during the audit process and commended the Village employees for the good job they did removing the snow from the streets.
Also, Mayor Eldridge asked that Trustee Nancy Bundy be added as an additional person to review bills prior to being paid.
The position for Pool Manager will be posted on the Village facebook page. Applications may be picked up at the Village Hall.
Attorney Andy Younquist did not have anything to report.
Village employee Jeff Peterson was present to give the Streets and Water report.
Zoning Officier John Newton stated he had not issued any permits.
Police Chief Keith DeJaynes address the board with his monthly police report:
CRIMINAL: 3 Domestic Battery, 2 Battery, 1 Theft from residence, 1 Theft from motor vehicle pistol, 2 Burglary residence, 1 Order of Protection. ASSISTING: 4 Ambulance, 5 County. 4 Juvenile calls and 1 Juvenile Arrest. 2 Tavern Calls and 4 Dog calls. CITATIONS: 2 speeding, 1 stop sign, 1 failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident, 1 failure to give information property damage, 1 failure to report accident to police authority. WARRANTS 2. 12 inspections for golf carts, 4 wheeler side by side. FINES: 41. MILAGE 1929.9 and FUEL 244.0
Parks and Tourism: Trustee Nancy Bundy stated repairs are needed to the Parks and Tourism building.
Old Business: Discussion to appoint Shawn Lain to the Village Board to fill the vacancy left by Debbie Lumbeck resulted in the following vote. Trustee Nancy Bundy YES, Tammy Bundy NO, Jason Howard YES, Scott Ray YES and Hal Jern NO. Motion carried 3 yes-2 no. Shawn was sworn in and took his seat with the board.
Discussion of bill received from the Henderson County Housing Authority for repair and drainage issue. No action was taken.
Discussion of request from DC's to add additional handicap parking space on Schuyler Street. After review, it was determined the applicable number of handicap parking spaces were already designated per guidelines given.
New Business: Kevin Moore was present to ask permission to use the Oquawka track to hold the "1st Oquawka Charity Pull". Discussion was tabled.
Motion made by Trustee Scott Ray and 2nd by Trustee Jason Howard to set the date for the 2018 fireworks as July 1st and rain date will be July 3rd at a cost of $5000.00 by J&M Display. Motion carried.
Saturday, May 19th was set as the City-Wide Clean*up Day. Motion made Trustee Scott Ray and 2nd by Trustee Jason Howard. Motion carried.
Motion made by Trustee Jason Howard and 2nd by Trustee Scott Ray to approve the audit bill from Cavanaugh Davies & Blackman.
Discussion regarding the new Ordinance for physical address and house numbers was tabled.
The board approved the minutes, bills and treasurers report.
Motion made by Trustee Nancy Bundy and 2nd by Trustee Scott Ray to go into Closed Session at 7:03 to discuss legal matters.
Trustees present were: Lloyd "Hal" Jern, Scott Ray, Jason Howard, Tammy Bundy and Tammy Bundy.