The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Michael Rodeffer, The Quill
Under employee reports, police officer Kenny Foster reported that the squad truck needed an interior light, as it has none. Foster reported the on board video camera in the squad truck, has not been working at all times and said it had been looked at by a repairman, at no charge, and was informed this model has had problems in the past.
A newer model would run around $5000. The Council said they will put this on the agenda for next month.
Foster reported that Marli Burt had been fitted for her vest, which will cost $1001. It will also be put on the next agenda for the council to approve.
Employee David Little noted a windshield needed replaced on one of the city trucks and would cost approximately $250 to $300.
Employee Tim Graves noted he had been working with engineers concerning the next water project and found 4 blocks which already had 4" PVC piping and 2 blocks that only service 1 or 2 residences which might be able to tie into another line. This should save the city some money on this project.
There was discussion on the dilapidated buildings. Attorney Scholz commented that he had talked to Tyler Ferguson on the building at 116 Main St. Scholz stated that Ferguson was planning to begin demolition by himself and another family member. Scholz explained they would need to have sufficient liability insurance. Richard and Donna Wood own the adjoining building to the west of Fergusons' and Richard expressed his concerns over Ferguson having liability insurance.
The council did not approve reimbursement of $437.69 for repairs and labor for broken water lines at a residence. Water had been shut off for non-payment on December 27th.
The resident, not realizing their water had been shut off, thought the water lines were frozen. Their furnace had not been working and space heaters were used to thaw the lines. The following week there were 3 mornings with temperatures of 15¼ below zero or colder.
Trevor Finch said he had turned their water on either January 6th or 7th and they still didn't have water, so it had frozen sometime and was still frozen. When it did thaw out their were several broken lines which needed repaired.
Looking back the resident's check had been deposited on December 29th but due to holidays the city didn't have a record of payment until sometime after the first of the year. The bank is in charge of collecting payments and then forward the receipts to the city water department.
The council's vote was 3-2 against making the reimbursement. Aldermen Covert and Burford voted yes and Alderman Shumaker, Olson, and Wisslead voted no.
There was also discussion about a retaining wall at Kale Burgdorf's. Several railroad ties had been used and were now falling onto a walk and blocking it. The resident wanted to know if it was actually on city property or his, council decided to do more research to determine who might be responsible.
The council also decided to place ads in the Henderson-Hancock Quill newspaper and Journal-Pilot newspaper for a part-time police officer.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Answering roll call was Aldermen, Brian Covert, Greg Wisslead, Randy Shumaker, and Ryan Olson. Also Mayor Kat Hasten and Clerk Lucretia McPeak. Alderman Dave Clover was absent and Alderman Jerry Burford arrived about 8:00 p.m. Treasurer Crystal Graves arrived around 8:20 p.m.
Others attending were employees, David Little, Trevor Finch, Tim Graves, Mona Lisa Graves, and Kenny Foster; Attorney Christopher Scholz was not present but listened via speaker phone. Also Richard Wood, Carl Lee, Annette Day, Dan Gillett, Michael Rodeffer