The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Greetings ta ever one in western Illinois and all readers of "The Quill".
This week's column relates ta "Some Enteresting Facts and Thoughts" concern'n last week's column on history of slavery and monument destruction.
Many folk, even smart folk, regularly entangle in make'n "history" into ideology.
Ideology here refers ta a way of understand'n reality which tries ta bend reality in a certain direction. It bends what is true into their own concept and vision of reality.
The "Left" Versus The "Right"
Many today, both the "Left' and the "Right' see it as their obligated effort to invent their own "truth" and bend the "facts" ta achieve it. Recent FBI activity would be a sad modern day example.
Another example is of two certified liberals of impeccable credentials that produced a book entitled "Time On The Cross".
Both were learned and distinguished scholars, and both were certified liberals with undeniable credentials.
Their book was a study of actual measurable data on the life of slaves in the American South.
They looked at "historical facts," such as diet, clothing, housing, and recorded treatment of those held in slavery.
These authors clearly held ta the moral level of slavery and never had any thoughts of any effort which could be thought of support'n it.
They were forced to conclude from their data that the life of the typical slave in the South was healthier, more pleasant, and materially better than the life of the typical free laborer in the North.
Most of those review'n the book of progressive persuasion and of the entire left scholarly community concluded the authors were racists!
The term racist that was applied ta them flew in the face of reason and was a completely unfair accusation of both of these admirable and decent men.
The argument used by the elites was that despite the irrefutable facts, even mention'n the truth betrayed the current political struggle fer African-American rights, at least as envisioned by the elite and their "ideology" of reality.
Liberty and freedom are great concepts of our age. However, promoters of both often have trouble grasping their consensual meaning.
Any challenge ta their interpretation of those concepts treads on dangerous ground.
It threatens the way they understand themselves and their country.
Liberty is a great concept of our modern age.
It was the prevalent thought of our American Revolution.
And since that time freedoms have been the watch word aggressively promoted by almost all interests.
Even the communist, if ya can imagine, used freedom as a slogan dure'n the Russian Revolution.
As such the concept of freedom should be defined, fer it can be all the same time a most deeply valued and most seriously threatened concept.
Personal or political freedom (liberty) fer some folk can mean do'n what a feller wants ta do when the feller wants ta do it.
That right allows a feller ta be "who I am".
Fer other folk, freedom means "freedom ta be good" in accordance with what they see as reality.
These groups are identified by Dr. Thomas Sowell in his book, Conflicts of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles (1987).
Understand'n the difference of these two groups is very important ta understand'n the political and social situation of our times, how folk, political opinions, and geographical cultures seem to come up with different solutions ta the same problem.
By Sowell's understand'n the first group can be called "unconstrained" (my term: the "left") and the second group "constrained" (my term: the "right').
They differ in how they see the work of persons and societies and in their basic concepts of the nature of man.
Their social vision differs a great deal from the next group and can represent a great gulf of separation in ideology for solutions ta social problems.
Unconstrained vision of the left promotes that since everyone is so good, anyone who disagrees with the elite of this group must do so because of gross immorality or madness, reference attitude toward Trump.
The unconstrained "left' find it very hard ta admit the their "enemies" (the right) can be sincere or well intentioned.
The unconstrained are convinced that foolish or immoral choices explain the evils of the world and that wiser and more humane social policies are the solution.
The unconstrained (the left) rely on an intellectual and moral elite to dictate "solutions."
The constrained (the right) folk in their vision assumes that individuals can make tragic mistakes.
Their vision has no trouble find'n qualities in the other side, since sincerity and good intentions often accompany bad actions.
They feel institutions help restrain man's basic selfishness and destructiveness.
To them basic rules are necessary.
Ta those folk the collective wisdom of the past points ta the recognized benefits of all human activity.
Their vision see evils as proceed'n from limited and unhappy available blessing choices and relies on the common wisdom of everybody ta find those social processes which allow the greater good to flourish.
The two visions themselves arise in a secular world where God has been made "private", so neither vision could fully satisfy a believe'n Jew, Muslim, or Christian.
All in all it helps explain a great deal, such as why the different visions have different definitions of such basic ideas, a power, justice, and equality.
Reporting of historical facts is not enough. There are unduly'n visions which deal with these in different ways.
Hence, the polarization we recognize in politics today. Any changes in their thoughts on any particular subject would suggest that their vision was defective.
Why the collapse of the Soviets, those with unconstrained vision are feel'n defensive.
The failure of "solutions" proposed by them has made this vision more agitated, even desperate, in it's defense of it's assumed truth.
They are defend'n what they consider ta be their very selves. Some even now embrace "Socialism" as a viable alternative such as the left did in socialist Senator and Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.
Hopefully this overview gives ya a bit of an onsite into how and why "history" is made into ideology and how ideology bends reality in certain directions which actually bends what is true.
Think about what is going on today in Washington DC, Springfield, or other parts of the world, especially with the inclusion of secular politics and this column's thought might help ya with a better understand'n of what and why it's a happe'n.
A recent example of the unconstrained (left) can be found in the recent State of the Union Address.
Those of the left dressed in black clothing, Kente ties and sashes, butterfly stickers, red buttons and purple ribbons ta demonstrate the self worth of their "elite' vision.
Dozens on the left refused ta stand as the president entered the house chamber forgett'n that one stands out of respect fer the office, not the office holder.
Rep. Bennie Thompson grabbed a middle-aisle seat ta enable him ta turn his back on the president as he passed by on the aisle.
Other elites on the left of unconstrained ideology heckled, scoffed, groaned, and made goofy sour-bite'n faces.
Other leftist simply boycotted the important event, some from Illinois.
The next day House Democratic leaders pranced before cameras and in a discursive and aimless manner demonized President Trump's entire speech.
They really only conveyed the important message that "elites' do not like Trump, the man American voters elected for President of the United States, fer a lot of reasons.
No less than five Democrats "elitist" of the left gave speeches Tuesday night follow'n the Trump presentation.
Basically, those "elite' demonstrations clearly pointed out the basic differences in a real life theater betwixt unconstrained ideological vision and constrained idealogical vision.
Neither is will'n ta admit their "ideology' might be defective and Tuesday night's State of the Union Address brought forward in glaring clarity their willingness to demonstrate childish protests ta protect their vision, ideology and self worth.
In all probability the application of these thoughts will be applied and discussed as ta what's go'n on in our world today by conversation of the boys here in Western Illinois for several of their next gather'ins and their spouses will be invited to contribute their thoughts and analysis as well.
Enjoy some family fun in the snow but be sure to bundle up and wear yer long johns in this frigid sub-zero winter air. And watch fer those ice patches as yer drive.
Hope'n ta see ya in church this weekend with yer family and friends.
Remember, wherever ya are, whatever ya be a do'n "BE A GOOD ONE!"
Keep on Smile'n
Count yer many Blessings
Catch ya later,
Barnyard Bruke