The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor
Holly Allen of Stronghurst was sworn in by Mayor Brendan Schaley, as the new clerk/treasurer at the Village of Stronghurst board meeting on Monday night.
Due to the weather Attorney Bill Rasmussen was not present, so the liquor ordinance was still not presented for passage. However, Sara Evans was present to ask for some clarification on the copy of the ordinance given her a few months ago. It will be 30 days after the ordinance is passed before an application for a liquor license can be made.
Evans, who has purchased and is remodeling the former Broadway Cafe, said she would like to open as soon as possible for breakfast and lunch and will add dinner after the liquor license is obtained.
Virginia Ross asked if it was possible for the village to clean the sidewalks from H & H Feed to the new restaurant when it snowed, as some of them are not shoveled.
The board did not want to set this precedence since it was the business owner's duty to see that the sidewalks are cleared. Virginia also said she had given Lou Ann Nortrup a list of organizations that could be asked to do something for the Bi-Centennial celebration this year.
Ronnie Gittings has only received one bid for the construction of the drain for the water tower and is attempting to get two more bids.
He said well #4, that has been refurbished, is improving every day.
He also said the east wall at the pump house has been insulated and he has noticed the heater is running less. Gittings also said he was now being charged $134 a month for insurance and asked permission to turn the bill into the village. Request was granted.
The January police report included: 88 hours worked; 595 miles on the squad car; 3 assists; 3 service calls; 32 business checks and one crash.
On a motion by Amanda Kane, seconded by Shane Reed, the board voted to accept the insurance renewal from Doran Insurance. The terms of the policy were discussed last month.
The board entered executive session at approximately 7:25 for the purpose of possible litigations.
Discussion in executive session was on imposing penalties on McGuire Iron, due to not meeting the time deadlines, but no action was taken. Present were: Mayor Brendan Schaley; Trustees, Shane Reed, David Vancil, Amanda Kane, Jerry Nortrup, Bruce Caldwell, (Mike Bohnenkamp absent); Employees, Ronnie Gittings, Holly Allen, Arbry Vancil; Guests, Sara Evans, Virginia Ross, Chris Cooper, Shirley Linder
The next meeting will be Monday, March 5, at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Brendan Schaley congratulates Holly Allen Monday evening after her swearing in as Clerk/Treasurer for the Village of Stronghurst.