The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe City Council

Approves Water Rate Increase

By: Mike Rodeffer, The Quill

One of the items on the April 9th regular council meeting agenda was "to discuss and take action on a water rate increase." With the La Harpe Council looking at a 7 million dollar water plant project, water rates would need to be raised sooner or later.

Alderman Randy Shumaker Public Works Chairman, thought raising the rates little by little would be better than a big raise all at once after the water project was done.

Shumaker proposed raising rates now and another raise next year, then in 2020 see where the city is regarding it's financial situation.

As of now the water rates are $19.67 for the first 1,000 gallons and $3.28 for each thousand gallons used after the first 1,000 gallons. After much discussion the council approved a rate of $25.00 for the first thousand gallons and $4.00 for each additional 1,000 gallons.

Attorney Chris Scholz was directed to draft an ordinance to amend the water rates. This item should be on the next agenda for the April 23rd meeting to approve this ordinance.

Water rates have been discussed for more than a year at council meetings. Early last year the previous council decided to wait and let the newly-elected council deal with this tough decision.

The council also approved a request by Todd Irish for water service only at an adjoining property east of his residence. Irish had purchased the property which had a house on it. Irish had the house removed and wants only a hydrant on the open lot, but he didn't want to have to pay a sewer or garbage fee.

In other action the council approved:

The meeting began at 7:03 pm, went into executive session at 8:22 pm, and adjourned at 9:02 pm. In attendance were:

Mayor Kat Hasten Reed, Aldermen: Brian Covert, Greg Wisslead, Dave Clover, Randy Shumaker, Ryan Olsen, Jerry Burford; Treasurer: Maggie Link; Clerk Lucretia McPeak; Attorney Chris Scholz; Employees: Tim Graves, Monalisa Graves, Trevor Finch, Police Chief Larry Finch, Kenny Foster, and David Little....also IMEG representatives Eric Moe & Megan Crook; guests Ken Brown, Richard Wood, Dan Gillett and Michael Rodeffer.