The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Oct. 18, 1923
LYCEUM COURSE IN TOWN: Through the efforts of Supt. Dawson of the local high school, a good lyceum course has been arranged for the people of the community for fall and winter. The following are the attractions which will be presented: Bell ringing male quartet, Clifford Foote Trio, Lecturer Dancy, The McChords Entertainers, and Male Character Impersonator Hillburn. Adult season ticket is $2.00 and $1.25 for children.
HOSPITAL BENEFIT: The South Country Club will hold a barn Halloween social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ross on Thurs. evening, Oct. 25th. Halloween stunts, games and eats will be featured. Proceeds will go to the LaHarpe Hospital.
SCALDED BY STEAM: Mr. D. Headen, pumper for the Santa Fe railroad at this point met with a painful accident Wednesday afternoon about 4 o’clock at the pumping station. It will probably keep him confined to his home for several days. He had been engaged in cleaning a value in a steam pipe and when the connection the pipe, he failed to screw the bonnet of the value chamber on tight. When he turned on the steam and opened the value, the steam shot through the orifice which had been left open and struck him on the left side of the face and neck and on the left arm. He was severely scalded in these places with the epidermis or outer skin being destroyed. The sight of his left eye was also temporarily affected. Luckily the burns were not deep enough to destroy the dermis or true skin and the attending physician gives it as his opinion that the burned places will soon heal.
COUNTY ADVISOR HONORED: The members of the executive committee of the Henderson County Farm Bureau gave a reception for County Advisor F. M. Bane and wife at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stevenson, Jr. near Biggsville. While affair was in the nature of a surprise to the guests of honor, it was none the less enjoyable to all those who participated (long list of attendees follows).
One of the big features of the day was a sumptuous dinner served at noon from the baskets which the wives of the executive committee had brought with them. Business relating to the Farm Bureau work occupied the attention of the committee during part of the day, but the greater part of the time was spent in social enjoyment.
RARITAN MOVIE NEWS: On Wednesday, Oct.24th to be presented for your approval at the Raritan Opera House will be H. A. Snow’s “Hunting Big Game in Africa with Gun and Camera.” The greatest animal pictures ever screened will show Mr. Snow and his brother, who spent two years in the African wilds traveling 60,000 miles in Africa alone and exposed 125,000 ft. of negative film in the making of these wonderful pictures. Admission will be only 10 cents and 25 cents including tax.
On Friday and Saturday, Nov. 2nd and 3rd Marion Davies in “When Knighthood Was in Flower” will be shown. The picture has broken more attendance records than any other three pictures ever made, a picture that really did cost over a million dollars to produce and was worth it. Admission is 10 cents and 30 cents including war tax. One show will be shown each evening beginning promptly at 8 o’clock. Music will be by a four piece orchestra piano.-Edgar Churchill, Mgr.
***MRS. MATTHEW HUSTON*** Mrs. Matthew Huston, a sister of H.D.Lovvit, passed away at her home in Blandinsville last Monday.
Minerva J. Lovitt was born at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lovitt at their farm home in Ohio on April 27, 1852 and passed away at her home in Blandinsville at 1:30 p.m. on Oct.15th, aged 71 years, 6 months and 18 days. She grew to womanhood here and was educated in the common schools of the neighborhood. In her girlhood she gave her heart to God and became a member of the Christian Church at Old Bedford and was one of its most devoted and active members and generous supporters till affliction made it no longer possible to attend services.
In December 1870 she married Matthew Huston and they made their home for many years and prospered on their farm eight miles north of Blandinsville. About twenty years ago Mr. Huston’s business as importer and dealer in horses called him from the farm and since then they made their home in Blandinsville. Her husband preceded her in death only a few weeks.
By their death Blandinsville loses two of its most prominent and highly respected families. Mrs. Huston like her husband was foremost in every good work. She was a model housekeeper, a neighbor whose sympathy and kindness extended to every one of her acquaintances and a leader in church work, missionary work and charity. She was also foremost in love and esteem of the people of this vicinity and is mourned by the community.
About two years ago, she suffered a stroke of paralysis and has since been a helpless invalid, who bore her affliction with resignation and patience until her Master called her home. She leaves to mourn for her two daughters, Mrs. Vashti Shryack of Chicago and Mrs. Maude Dodds of Stronghurst. Funeral services were held at the Christian Church in Blandinsville and she was laid to rest beside her husband in the Glade Cemetery.” - Blandinsville Star Gazette
PENNY SUPPER: Everybody come to the “Penny Supper at the Christian Church on Oct.19th at 8:30. The following will be served: chicken and noodles, creamed peas, mashed potatoes, baked beans, sweet potatoes, jelly, salad, pickles, cake, fruit, pie, coffee and rolls.
THEY TRIED TO ROB THE BANK! The band of yeggs who have been operating in this section of Illinois for several months past and whose specialty seems to be blowing and looting “invitation safes” of banking establishments in country towns visited the village of Alpha, Ill., last Tuesday morning and after gaining entrance to the Alpha State Bank by “jimmying” the front door, proceeded to dynamite the bank’s strong box. Four charges of nitro-glycerine were exploded in the attempt, but only the outer door of the safe was blown off. A fifth charge would probably have removed the last barrier to the bank’s funds, but before it could be exploded, the bandits were frightened away by the ringing of the M. E. church bell by Earl Knox, a resident of the town who had been awakened by the explosions and had left his home, slipped up an alley and gained entrance to the church without being seen by the guards the robbers had posted about the streets. Rev. W. H. Day, the M. E. pastor of the village whose home is but a block from the bank stated that when the church bell gave the alarm, he saw at least seven men run past his house toward an auto parked in the street nearby. He stuck his head out the window and called on them to halt; but the only response he received was a fusillade of bullets which caused him to quickly duck back out of danger. The men then climbed into the car and sped out of town toward the south. A number of autos started in pursuit but gave up the chase at North Henderson. The yeggs had cut the telephone wires leading from the village and it was necessary to go to Woodhull to notify the county authorities of the affair. Before beginning operations on the safe, the bandits had placed a water tank by one of the bank windows as a barricade and had also taken some ice cream tubs into the bank to be used as protection from the flying wreckage caused by the explosions. The entire front of the bank building is said to have been blown into kindlings. Mr. J. E. Amerman, formerly of this place, is the cashier of the Alpha bank and his many friends here will congratulate him on the fact that the bank’s funds were saved and that the loss extends only to damage to the building and the furniture.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Cliff Shafer and family moved to the O. J. Sanderson house, not being able to find a suitable house in town. They are now the proud parents of a young son born on Oct. 13th. Frank Johnson shipped two car loads of hogs and one car of cattle for the Shipping Ass’n. Algert Nolan shipped a car load of cattle of his own feeding—all stock went to the Chicago market. Earl Brokaw conducted a very successful sale of Big Type Poland-China hogs at his farm 3 ¾ miles southeast of Stronghurst disposing of 56 heads at an average price of $38 per head with a top price for one boar of $212.50 ($2,915.50 in today’s values). Mr. J. Johanson who conducted a tailor shop here about 25 years ago was married at high noon last Thursday in Carthage to Miss Lena Clark. Mr. Johanson was elected county treasurer of Hancock County a year ago and the bride is his deputy. C. F. Heisler is in Peoria this week serving juryman in the federal court. Misses Marie Mudd and Opal Stine, who had employment with the Cadmean Lyceum Bureau for several weeks, have returned home. Relatives have received work of the birth of a daughter on Oct. 8th to Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Spruit of Traverse City, Mich. Mrs. Spruit was formerly Miss Evelyn Richey of this vicinity. Mrs. W. E. Hurd, who has been the housekeeper for the Apt family for sometime, had the misfortune to trip on a carpet which she was laying there. She fell in such a way as to sprain her ankle so is now confined to her home. Miss Mille Ahlers, who had been quarantined for the flu at the Y.W.C.A. in Alton, Ill., came home.
I will have a car of U. S. grade No.1 Red River Early Ohio potatoes on the track soon at 87 ½ cents per bushel at the car or 90 cents per bushel delivered in town; terms-cash.-A. E. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. John Layton of this place were present at the annual reunion and picnic of the Layton families held at “the old home place” near Dallas City occupied by A. P. Layton and family. The new ball room at the Hotel Burlington will be opened Oct. 20th for a series of Saturday night dances under the hotel management with music by Griesel’s eight piece orchestra. Dancing is from 9-12 with Gentlemen charged $1.10 and Ladies free. Mr. J. A. Best of Kansas City, whose younger days were spent in this vicinity, was a guest at the home of his niece, Miss Ella McQuown. Mr. Best is a Civil War veteran and came here from Quincy, Ill., where he had been in attendance at the Grand Army of the Republic encampment.
Thomas Dehaven informed us that his daughter, Mrs. Laverne Emmerson of La Harpe, who recently was operated on for appendicitis, had so far recovered as to be back home. She came over to Dallas and visited her parents while her husband takes a post-graduate course in medicine and surgery in Chicago. The new hospital is now opening in La Harpe and Dr. Emerson wishes to be in shape to look after his surgical patients at his home hospital in the most up to date manner.”-Dallas City Review
Mrs. John Bainbridge and daughter of Des Moines, Iowa visit the home of her brother, Mr. Raus Richey. The M. E. Church of Terre Haute was the recipient of a check for $1,000 ($13,720 in today’s values), a gift from Nancy A. McMurray estate. The button factory in Oquawka resumed operation after a long period of idleness. Fourteen cutters and two crushers constitute the present force, which is soon hoped to be increased to a full force. Owen Seward, 29 year old a railroad fireman living at Galesburg, was killed there when he was stuck by a fast train while walking on the tracks about two blocks from the C.B. & Q. depot. The deceased was a former resident of this county living at Gladstone at one time.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mr. and Mrs. Will Glenn and children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham, Jr., and Miss Ruby Graham drove to Morning Sun, Iowa to visit the Luther Graham family. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. H. J. Millen when little Miss Dorothy celebrated her 8th birthday and eight little girls came in and spent the afternoon playing outdoor games. A number of lovely gifts were left as a remembrance of the day. Refreshments of cake, fruit salad and cracker jacks were served. All the little people returned to their homes after a jolly afternoon. Those present were Edna Mahr, Wilanna Lorimer, Marguerite Gibb, Jane Kilgore, Lois Kilgore, Verna and Mildred Millen, Jane Sloan and Dorothy Miller. The Community Club met at the home of Mrs. Flo Erwin. Mrs. Burke of Monmouth spoke to the club on the Ku Klux Klan. Refreshments of ice cream, waffles, cake and coffee were served. The first number on the lecture course given at the high school featured four young ladies making up the Harp Novelty Company consisting of harp, piano, violin saxophone and a hand saw upon which one lady proved herself adept in extracting sweet music. Vocal numbers and readings also helped to makeup the program. Mrs. Leslie Lyons has purchased a house in Coloma and will move into it this week. An all day dinner will be held at the home of Mrs. H. O. Garrity, it being one of the five divisions of the ladies aid with Miss Ella Boyd as captain. Scott McQuown of Monmouth was in town looking after the interest of the skating rink that opened Monday evening. A reception will be held on Tuesday evening at the M. E. Church for the new pastor, Rev. Paul Walsh and family. The Farmers and Teachers Institute was held last Thursday and Friday at the high school with a fair attendance. Some interesting and good talks were given by A. C. Everingham on “Character Building,” by Mrs. Grace V. Gray on “Household Science Topics,” and Wm. Webb on “corn.” On Friday Mrs. O. W. Dynes of Hinsdale, Ill. spoke more concerning the grain, stock and poultry clubs for boys and girls and urged that more of the work be taken up. The Misses Dorothy Land and Olive Noyes gave good reports of the girls’ schools at the State Fair in Springfield.
***WEDDING BELLS***McINTIRE AND BURRELL: Mr. Ralph McIntire of Media and Miss Eva Burrell of Olena were married at the M. E. parsonage at Gladstone. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McIntire of Media.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The congregation of the M. E. Church gave a farewell party at the church in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dana Burkett who are leaving to make their home in Virginia to be near his people. Charles Stanberry and family have moved into the Wolfe property. Mrs. Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. J. Ben Horrell have gone to Burlington for the winter. E. G. Lewis has the honor of being elected president of the Henderson County Farm Bureau for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sullivan who have been the proprietors of the C. & S. Restaurant have dissolved their partnership; Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will continue the business. C. R. Pendarvis purchased the old M. E. South Prairie Church for $350. The building will be moved to Media and remodeled fitting it up for a gymnasium. A booster club meeting will be held at the C. & S. Restaurant.