The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1923 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Nov. 15, 1923

BUSINESS LUNCHEON: The members of the Better Stronghurst League held a luncheon at the NuVon Hotel attended by the business men of the village and farmers of the community. The evening program opened with a number of vocal musical selections followed by a luncheon served by the hotel.  Mr. E. R. Grandey, President of the League, introduced C. R. A. Marshall, County Supt. of Highways, who explained the situation in regard to road oiling in the county during the coming year.  He said the county supervisors refused a request for an additional $20,000 to be added to the regular appropriation of $14,000.  So far as Stronghurst Township, he believed that the bridge building and repairing program under contemplation would not permit a very large amount being used for oiling purposed.  He suggested that if the voters of the township desired, they could vote a special tax of not to exceed 66 cents on the $100 for road oiling purposes at a special or township election.  This suggestion was discussed at length and a motion was passed to form a committee to circulate a petition for said special tax.

OPINION OF THE EDITOR: Elsewhere in the issue will be found an article in defense of the Ku Klux Klan which recently appeared in the Burlington Hawkeye.  This article was handed to us by a friend with a request that we republish it, the request coming, we were told from a Stronghurst Klansman who was inclined to view our publication of the Warsaw Bulletin’s editorial on the Klan last week as evidence that we were antagonistic to the organization.

Just why such an interpretation should be put upon our publication of the Bulletin’s editorial we cannot imagine unless it was that we stated that the views expressed therein were worthy of thoughtful consideration. .

We hardy believe, however, that any fair minded person who read the quoted editorial will find any reason for taking exception to our comment thereon.  The Warsaw Bulletin editor is, as we intimated, a man whose reputation for keen analysis and cool judgment in matters pertaining to the country’s welfare, entitles his public utterances to careful consideration and we have no apologies to make for quoting them.  We are also perfectly willing to public the views of those who wish to commend the Klan and its methods and are therefore giving space to the article which appeared in the Hawkeye, although it is much lengthier than our last week’s article and bears the evidence of having been written in a much more vitriolic spirit.  (The responding article can be found of the last page of the Nov.15th issue; it is rambling and bias at best.  The author believed “the Klan to be inspired by Almighty God, came into existence thru the will of God and only thru the will of the Almighty God will it pass out of existence” and definitely was against the Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus.)

CORN SHOW COMING:  The Gregory Garage of Stronghurst is making arrangements to hold a corn show at their place of business with ten prizes consisting of auto casings, chains and other accessories for the first ten best exhibits of corn in lots of ten ears each.  The contest is open to any and all Henderson County corn growers and the prizes to be offered are such as to warrant a fine display of corn.

FOUND COAL: Galesburg people are much elated over the prospect of an abundant supply of coal within five miles of the city.  It has been discovered by recent boring operations that a vein of fine soft coal, four feet in thickness is to be had at a depth of 180 feet. 1,200 acres of coal land east of the city has been leased and early in the spring a coal shaft will be sunk one mile north of the Santa Fe R.R. at East Galesburg.

GOES TO SUPREME COURT:  The High School case in which it is sought to have the proceedings by which community High School Dist. No. 104 was organized in 1920 declared null and void because of irregularities in the methods of procedure and to have the acts and doings of the members of the school board since that time declared to be a usurpation of power and without any binding effect, and which case was decided in favor of the school board by Judge Hillier in the Circuit Court of Henderson County in October last, has been carried up to the Illinois Supreme Court by the plaintiffs in the case through their attorneys Hartzell and Werts.  Briefs and arguments have been filed with the Supreme Court in which the court is asked to set aside Judge Hillier’s decision…It is also claimed that the court erred in adjudging the school broad to be a legally elected and organized body

(The following continues with the paper editor’s opinion.) While this suit upon the issue of which so much that is vital to the community’s highest interests depends was brought in the name of the people, it is of course a well known fact that “the people” in this case means simply a few disgruntled land owners who were not willing to acquiesce in the decision of an overwhelming majority of the legal voters of the territory affected and whom the law gives the privilege of having their day in court.  On account of the slowness with which the wheels of justice move in cases of this kind, this “day in court” bids fair to lengthen into years; but such is life in the glorious republic of ours where the will of majority is supposed to be supreme.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Sarah Fort and daughter, Mrs. Anna Dickerson, are enjoying a new Ford coup purchased recently.  A number of young people from town enjoyed a weenie roast at the home of Miss Gladys Lant.  Last Thursday Frank Johnson shipped a car load of hogs from Decorra for the Shipping Association and T.R.Johnson one carload of cattle of his own feeding.  Friday H. A. Adair shipped one car load of hogs and Frank Johnson one load of hogs.  Monday Frank Johnson shipped two loads of hogs and Arthur McKeown, Sr. one load of hogs to the Chicago market. Mrs. Emil Peterson and children have moved to their new home in the east end of town.  Mrs. Manesmith returned from a visit in California and Nevada with her son Earl.  Elder Cross delivered two strong sermons at the Christian Church; he makes the religion of this church so plain that anyone can understand.  Fred Wilson who has been employed here in the signal service work went to Chillicothe where he will be engaged in the same line of work.  Mrs. P.W. Wallin entertained the Stronghurst Bridge Club at the luncheon at her home. 

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: While enroute from their home to school the children of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gibb had a narrow escape which they will not soon care to experience again.  The Ford in which they were riding punctured and caused Ralph to lose control of the car.  The car turned over throwing Ralph and Junie into the back of the car.  The windshield and one wheel and top were a total wreck.  Mrs. Charles Oaks is having a serious time with an infection in her hand. 

MEDIA MEANDERING: The members of the Media Community Club were royally entertained Friday afternoon at the country home of Mrs. Elmer Powell and her daughter, Miss Faye.  The afternoon was spent by sewing for the bazaar.  The hostesses served meat loaf, sweet potatoes, bread and butter sandwiches, pumpkin pie with whipped cream and coffee.  The ladies of the Missionary Society of the U. P. Church are holding an all day quilting at the church.  Scott White had the misfortune to lose a valuable milk cow.  Mr. and Mrs. George Norville are the parents of a son born Thursday night.  A man by the name of Bell who is a former resident of Lomax has purchased the restaurant business of Mrs. Bernice Rodin and expects to run a grocery business in connection with it.  Prof. Murtland and his pupils of the Commercial department are practicing the play, “Belinda Jane and Jonathan” or “From Pumpkin Ridge” which they will have ready to present in the near future. 

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Born to Percy Buckley and wife on Nov.5th a daughter.  Mrs. John Clark who has been quite sick for several weeks is improving.  L. E. Gamble, who has been working in Burlington, is now employed at the Lomax Broom Factory.  Several from here attended court the past few days.  The new foot bridge over Dug Out Creek in the north part of town was completed.