The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, Nov. 8 1923
HURT ON THE TRACKS: H. O. Anders, conductor on the east bound local morning freight received injuries Wednesday morning which necessitated his being sent to the hospital at Fort Madison. A freight car was being pushed forward on the side track by means of a pole placed between the cow-catcher of the engine and the car when the pole snapped in two and the broken end stuck Anders in the stomach knocking him a distance of several feet. He was picked up and taken to Dr. Marshall office where first aid was administered after which he was sent to the R. R. Company hospital at Fort Madison. Word from there this morning was to the effect that the man’ s injuries were not thought to be of a serious nature and that his speedy recovery was expected.
***OBITUARY***ALPAUGH: Mrs. Sarah Alpaugh, who with her husband, the late Emanuel Alpaugh was a resident of Stronghurst several years ago, died at her home in Raritan last Monday evening after an illness extending over several years. Mrs. Alpaugh was a member of a family prominent in the earlier history of the community about Raritan. She was in her 81st year and was a native of New Jersey. Her maiden name was Sarah Corzatt. When she was but a child, she came with her parents to Fulton County, Ill. and afterward to the Raritan neighborhood. Her husband, Emanuel Alpaugh, died some 15-20 years ago. Eight brothers and sisters have also preceded her in death with the only surviving member of her immediate family being Mrs. Aaron Johnson of Raritan. There are, however, many nephews, nieces and other more distant relatives left to mourn her departure. Funeral services will be at the Raritan Baptist Church with interment in the Raritan Cemetery.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Mrs. Harold Simonson, who recently was operated on in Burlington for appendicitis, is making a very satisfactory improvement and maybe able to return to the home near Olena the latter part of this week. Her mother, Mrs. Carmack is caring for the home during her daughter’s illness. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross of the Decorra neighborhood were guest at the home of their son Lyman and family in the village. Miss Margie Brown of Biggsville is spending a few weeks at the Charles Lyons home. The Misses Winifred and Dorothy Dowell and a lady friend are spending a few weeks in Lomax where they have employment in the broom factory. Miss Georgetta Burrell, teacher of the North school and her pupils, gave a splendid entertainment Friday evening and sold refreshment with the money used for equipment for the school. Mrs. Charles White, who has been in very poor health for so long, is now being cared for at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Lyons, and taking treatment from Dr. Gent in Stronghurst. Word from Mr. William Lant declares Tulare, California rich in dairying, poultry, fruit, vegetables and climate, to be the garden spot of Eden. Mr. Willis Armstrong and son passed through Olena some two weeks ago from South Dakota where he has been farming the past five years; they were headed for Canton, Ill., where he was expecting to spend the winter. He was driving through with five head of horses all in good shape. Mr. Armstrong was born and raised in Illinois and married the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Putney of Stronghurst. A number attended a dancing party at the Oscar White home Saturday nigh while others were at the Joe Kemp home in the drainage district.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Preparatory services will be held Friday evening at the U. P. Church for the Thank Offering that will be taken next Sunday. A bazaar and bake sale was held by the Swedish people at the home of Mrs. Ed Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Graham of South Henderson entertained sixteen boys at their home in honor of their son Steven’s 16th birthday. H. V. Jamison and family expect to take up residence in Burlington soon as they have purchased a house there. Mr. Wood, who has been helping with the work at the Will Wiegand farm this past year, has moved his family onto the Ora Smith farm recently vacated by them when they came to town. C. C. West left for Pasadena, Calif. where Mrs. West had gone ahead to make their home. Biggsville is again without a baker as he is almost impossible to get wood for the oven. Mrs. John Mekemson was called to her old home at Xenia, Ohio by the critical illness of her sister, Mrs. Anna Spencer. Robert Mickey is having an enforced vacation from his work in Galesburg when one cold morning he was cranking his car and his right arm was broken above the wrist.
HALLOWEEN PARTY: William Murtland of Media was host to a few of his playmates at a Halloween party at his home Wednesday evening. Upon arriving, guests were invited by their host to follow him into the backyard where a huge bonfire had been built and where lighted Jack-o-lanterns smiled their welcome. The youngsters were all masked and some of them carried Jack-o-lanterns. Various Halloween stunts and games were played after which weenies were roasted. Sandwiches of bread and butter, apples and candy were served.
ONE EDITOR’S VIEW: The observations of editor Dallam of the Warsaw Bulletin on matters concerning the public welfare are usually marked by the evidence of clear vision and cool dispassionate judgment. The views expressed in the following editorial which appeared in a recent issue of the Bulletin are worthy of being given thoughtful consideration by every person who has at heart a real interest in matters pertaining to public weal: Warsaw, Ill- “Rev. H. E. Oldacre, Ypsilanti, Mich., a Ku Klux Klan field worker, addressed an audience of about two hundred in the park Thursday night of last week and despite the rawness of the atmosphere he held the close attention of those who were out to hear him. The writer was not present but those who were and whose judgment is competent, pronounced the speaker exceptionally able, fluent and forceful. Moreover there was so much with which any well disposed person could agree, be he protestant, Catholic, Jew or Negro, his ingeniousness was calculated to lead the less thoughtful among his hearers along with him to the conclusion at which he was aiming. That was the attitude of the Klan toward the Roman church, the Hebrew and the colored race. After his address he circulated membership cards which were freely taken and which are to be turned in later to a stated address at Macomb by those who desire to become klansmen.
Mr. Oldacre made a number of extravagant statements, one of which was that 60% of the government appointees at Washington were Catholic. He might as well have said 80%, for the person who would accept as accurate the one without authoritative supporting evidence would accept the other. The credulity of the listener and not the per centage was the determining factor.
But why inject an element of discord into the community? Does anyone fancy that the Catholic contingency, which is not large is about to annihilate the Protestant? Is it possible that some one imagines he hears a faint refrain of “to our tents, O Israel?” Is Negro supremacy a huge threatening evil? Come, gentlemen, think it over carefully before lending your self or your influence to a movement that arrays one portion of the community against another, for surely if there is one thing which Warsaw needs it is perfect harmony, and any discord can only tend to make more difficult any progress in our civic life.
Oh, that we had the breadth of vision, the warmth of heart, the nobility of purpose to accept as the guide of our lives the immortal words of the martyred president (Lincoln): “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the fight as God gives us to see the right.” Then there would be no sheeted regulators, for the manly man would scorn to hide his identity behind a mask, leaving that to the highway man and the train robber.”