The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1923 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Nov. 2, 1923

SURPRISED WHEN 70 YEARS OLD: A surprise party in honor of J.W. Layton s 70th birthday was held at the Layton home by a large gathering relatives from near and far.  The guest arrived about 10:30 with baskets of good things to eat.  The day was spent in many social diversions among these a horse shoe pitching contest participated in by the men.  One particularly pleasant surprise was the presence of Mrs. Stone of Kansas City, Mo., a cousin of Mr. Layton s whom he had not seen in 20 years.  She was accompanied by her two daughters who hold lucrative positions in a large mercantile establishment there.  The guest departed about 4:30 leaving many happy remembrances and wishing host many more happy birthdays. (List of those present at end of article)

***OBITUARY*** Miss Hazel Paul, a well known former Dallas City and Lomax girl, died at the Burlington Hospital Monday afternoon after but a week s illness following an operation for appendicitis on Oct. 22nd.  She was a fine girl, an accomplished musician and for several years has been a teacher of a large music class in Burlington.  She was the youngest daughter of the late Morgan Paula and wife.  Hazel was 29 years of age and is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Forney Blakely of the east country and Mrs. Henry Tibbetts of Rock Island.  No arrangements has yet been announced for the funeral, but the interment will be at Lomax Dallas Review

LOVITT FAMILY REUNION: Last Saturday the descendants of the late Daniel Lovitt met at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M.E. McDermott seven miles south of Stronghurst to celebrate the day.  These reunions have been held for the past three years and are a day when they can recall the good times of the past and renew old acquaintances.  Fifty-one guests were present and served with a bountiful feast.  Those attending are the following: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Keen, Santa Anna, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. John Keen of Winfield, Iowa; Lovitt; Sidney (Lovitt) Alpaugh; Andrew Lovitt and family; E. Lovitt and family; Horace Lovitt and family; Daniel Lovitt and family, LaHarpe; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cutler, Blandinsville; E.R. Hodgen and family; Ed Stine and family; Mrs. Cleo Stine; Mrs. Ellen Finch, Stronghurst; Alvey Anderson and wife and Harold Best and family, Decorra.

CALLED HOME: REV. A.J. JOLLY, PH.D.:-Rev. Arthur J. Jolly, pastor of Dallas City Methodist Church and a man who has done a great work in straightening out the difficulties, both spiritual and financial of that institution, was called to the other world Sunday, his death casting a pall of deep sorrow over us all.

Rev. Jolly has been a frail person in body, but mighty in deed and act ever since he has been with us.  He had been semi-invalided for several weeks on account of a bad cold which seemed to be growing upon him until last week pneumonia developed and he was rushed to Sacred Heart Hospital in Fort Madison so he might have the constant care of trained nurses; but to no avail, for he gradually grew weaker until death claimed him Sunday afternoon. At one o clock. .

The body was brought back here and the funeral was conducted at the Methodist church.  Thursday he will be shipped to his former home at Cropsey, Indiana where he has a son who was killed in the army buried.  Mr. Jolly was 56 years, one month and 23 days and is survived by the wife and two grown sons. Dallas City Review

A HUSKING BEE: An old fashion Husking Bee will be held in the basement of the M.E. Church Friday evening.  If you were spelled down last week at the spelling match, come to the Husking Bee. Perhaps, you re a better husker than speller.  Prizes will be given. Lunch will be served.  Your twenty-five admission includes everything.

(Sheriff Robert McDill, an Independent candidate for County Treasurer is noting that Frank E. Painter conducted a clean campaign for the office of Treasurer but others in Oquawka did not on his behalf; however, Sheriff McDill wrote Mr. Painter that he would heartily support him.   What will happen?  Who knows?  Keep reading this column and see who is elected.) )

FORMER RESIDENT DIES: Mrs. Adaline Cavins of Lockridge, Iowa, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Calhoun in that place, Oct. 24, aged 83 years. She is survived by three sons, namely, George and Amos of this vicinity, Fred of Phoenix, Ariz., and one daughter, Mrs. George Calhoun of Lockridge with whom she has made her home since the death of her husband, Dr. Cavins, who passed away a number of years ago. Short funeral services were held at the Calhoun home and then she was brought to Raritan where funeral services were conducted at the Reformed Church where she has been a good and faithful member up to the time of her death. Interment was in the local cemetery.

SEEKS COUNTY OFFICE: "We are gratified to know that W.E. (Billy) Leach, one of our home boys is the Democratic candidate for superintendent of schools of Henderson County. Billy was born, raised and partly educated here at Coatsburg, but after graduating from our school, he further prepared himself at Hartwick High School of Iowa, graduating in 1907.

He was always a very bright pupil, passed the teacher's examination at the age of 15 years, making an average of 90%, being then a pupil of our present county superintendent, J. H. Steiner. He took to teaching when of legal age, first in rural and then in village and high schools of Ursa and Lima where he proved of sterling worth as one of the most efficient instructors Adams County ever had.

Billy is to be commenced because he educated himself without financial aid. He is a man of character, a member of the Christian Church and a very ardent Sunday School worker. Thus, he is peculiarly fitted as a leader and guide of the younger generation.

What is our loss is Henderson County's gain and we shall be pleased to know that "Billy," as he is popularly known, has been elected Nov. 7th. He is now principal of the Oquawka grade school, the county seat of Henderson Count, and was principal of the Lomax High School the past three years."-Coatsburg Enterprise.

CELEBRATE TWO GENERATIONS: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ross entertained their mothers, Mrs. Catherine Ross and Mrs. Emily Bainter at a birthday dinner on Oct. 28th. The date marks the ninetieth milestone for Mrs. Bainter and the eighty-four for Mrs. Ross. Four generations were present to celebrate the occasion. A rather unusual incident of the day was that of little Catherine Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Ross, having her picture taken with her two great-grandmothers. Mrs. Bainter is enjoying excellent health and Mrs. Ross is much improved from her recent illness.

OBITUARY: WALTER G. CHERRY: Walter G. Cherry was born Feb. 9, 1905 and departed this life Oct. 29, 1923 at the home of his foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cherry southeast of Carman, Ill., 17 years, 8 months and 21 days. His entire life since the age of 9 years has been spent in this community where he has gained many friends by his kindly disposition. Walter had recently become a member of the young men's class of Maple Grove Sunday School where he will be greatly missed. Beside the parents he will also be mourned by Mrs. Myrtle Seigworth, Mrs. Madah Hldebran and Helen Cherry and a host of friends. The funeral service was held at the Carman church with interment in the Carman Cemetery.

COUNTY ELECTION RESULTS: The unofficial returns from the 11 voting precincts show that the entire Republican ticket was elected by a plurality ranging from 110 to 1290 for the various candidates. J. W. Gorden, present incumbent, retained the office of County Judge. A. L. Beall again was returned as County Superintendent.

Perhaps, the greatest interest amongst the voters centered about the result of the three cornered fight for the County Treasureship. Just what effect the independent candidacy of R. T. McDill, who was defeated for the Republican nomination in the primaries by Frank Painter would have on the general result was a freely debated question previous to Election Day. The Democrats were counting on the defection in the Republican ranks electing their candidate, J. B. Fort; however, Mr. Painter ended up receiving 177 more votes than his two opponents combined. E.L. Davenport was elected sheriff and J.J. Barnes was returned to the office of County Clerk.

The activity manifested during the campaign by the "dry" element in the county seems to have had its effect in the general results of the election as the candidates who had the endorsement of the Anti-Saloon League and county prohibition workers ran in most cases much stronger than those who failed to be endorsed.

UPDATE ON BURLINGTON MURDER TRIAL: "The case of Mrs. Kate Shurtz, jointly with George Leroy Spees, youthful farm hand for the murder of her husband, J.V. Shurtz at midnight on Sept. 12th, will come up in the district court. As the woman and Spees are jointly indicted, it is within the premises of the county attorney to say which defendant shall first be tried and he wants to case of Mrs. Shurtz disposed of first.

It is recognized the Spees will be the state's best witness against Mrs. Shurtz and it is further recognized that his defense will be based on a plea of insanity. The state naturally seeks to have his testimony against the woman presented before the question of his sanity is passed upon by the jury."-Burlington Gazette.

DALLAS CITY HIGH SCHOOL IN JEOPARDY: A suit has been instituted in the circuit court of Hancock County for the annulment of the Community High School of Dallas City which is now being given a trial at that place. The papers were served on the official last week with the exception of J. H. Vass, president of the board, who is in the Burlington Hospital and may be unable to take part in the trial on account of ill health. This may necessitate postponement of the trial until the spring term of court. The people of that place mostly favor an immediate trial so as to get the matter settled for good. Also, that it would of been wisdom of the part of the objectors and entailed considerable less expense on the district had they waited until the two year trial of the present plan had showed whether it was a good thing or not. It might be the expense of litigation will be far more to the people than the two year maintenance of their community high school.

WEDDING BELLS: Mr. Elmo Yeoman of this city and Miss Bertha Workman of Sedalia, Mo., were united in marriage at Sedalia Oct. 14th. The groom is an employ of the Stronghurst Telephone Co. in the capacity of service manager, a position he has held for about a year and during which time by his courteous manner has won a large circle of friends. The bride is a charming and popular young lady of Sedalia.

A HUSKING BEE: An old fashioned Husking Bee will be held in the basement of the M.E. Church on Nov. 10th. If you were spelled down last week at the spelling match, come to the Husking Bee. Perhaps you're a better husker than speller. Prizes will be given and lunch will be served. Admission is twenty-five cents.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Mr. Lyons remains quite low at his home south of Olena. Mrs. Kimball of Media is nursing in this home. Mrs. Frank Hicks who has been an invalid from paralysis the past year is now quite critically ill of pneumonia and little hope of her recovery. She is being cared for by Dr. Marshall and the relatives of the family. A young Mr. Williams, who was employed by H. S. Lant, was so unfortunate as to get a badly broken limb caused by a horse he was riding falling on him. As the horse he was riding had never been broken to the saddle and was taken without the owner's consent, Mr. Lant feels no responsibility for the accident. Mr. Williams is getting treatment at the Burlington Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Lant, Mrs. Myrtle Davis and Mrs. John Lant attended the "Jamboree" at the Frank Painter home Halloween night and report the time of their lives. The large, beautiful country home was most artistically decorated to suit the occasion. The attendance was large and the masqueraders by their various costumes represented the beautiful, the artistic, the humorous and the hideous. All unmasked were fined 25 cents. In the large attendance the following towns and villages were represented: Oquawka, Gladstone, Biggsville, Media, Stronghurst, Terre Haute and Olena. Our young people were nicely entertained at the Arthur Dowell home Halloween night. Miss Veda Headley, teacher of the Hopper schools and her pupils, gave an entertainment and box supper Saturday evening. Miss Audra Marsden has been helping in the Oscar Schroeder home the past weeks and Mrs. Schroeder who has been quite critically ill, is now convalescing. Miss Vera Deitrick is spending a few weeks at the Sam Claybaugh home near Stronghurst.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Kate Nevins of Somerville, N.J. is visiting relatives. Mrs. Amos Ogden, a former Stronghurst resident, left for California to spend the winter. Earl Huppert has accepted a position firing on the Santa Fe out of Chillicothe. The Sophomore Class will give a box supper at the house on Saturday night. The Kaiser's Novelty Boys have been engaged to play for a dance at La Harpe next Saturday night given by the American Legion.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Norm Wiegand has resigned her position as mail carrier on route one; Mark Whiteman is on duty for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry have rented rooms in the home of Miss Nancy McMillan and will spend the winter there. The ladies of the M. E. Church will serve a chicken pie supper on Thursday evening beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the church basement. The menu will be the following: chicken pie, mashed potatoes and gravy, cabbage salad, pickles, bread and butter plate. Mrs. Bessie McQuown of Canon City, Colo. is visiting relatives. Biggsville again has a bakery; Carl Wachutka of Burlington is the proprietor.

RARITAN REPORTS: I.V.D. Perrine returned home after spent six weeks in Kansas and other places. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher returned home to South Bend, New Jersey. The Paul VanArsdale home was the scene of a pleasant surprise for I.V.D. Perrine. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flood on Nov. 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Houtchens of near Monmouth are the proud parents of a baby boy. Vaughan and Forrest Burket who have been working in the round house in Burlington came home the last of the week.