The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1923 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Nov. 29, 1923

RELIC OF FORMER RACE: An exhibition in the window of the Stronghurst State Bank shows one of the finest specimens of the handicraft practiced by the aborigines of this section of Illinois. It is a stone ax and perfect in almost every detail and giving evidence of much intelligence and skill on the part of the maker. The relic was found on the old R.A. McCarney farm 2 ˝ miles northwest of Olena by Mr. J. A. McCartney while walking over a field which has been under cultivation for the past seven years and had evidently been recently turned up by the plow.

From time to time in the vicinity, evidences are found in this section of the Mississippi Valley of inhabitants of an aboriginal race whose history seems to have perished with them and of whose wisdom and intelligence we get whispers occasionally through such discoveries as made on the McCartney farm.  Gladstone and Carman Townships seem to be especially rich in evidences of an older civilization in this country and some organized research work might result in important discoveries.

SERIOUS HUNTING ACCIDENT: Will Moon, a young La Harpe man, was frightfully injured when a shot gun in the hands of his brother-in-law, Clifton Conwell, was accidentally discharged. The load struck Moon in the left leg below the knee and torn its way through the flesh and bone of that limb. The accident occurred on the M.D.Melvin farm north of La Harpe where the men were hunting.  Physicians are said to entertain some hope in saving the leg, but it is feared that the great loss of blood suffered will result in complications difficult to handle.

MARRIED 65 YEARS: It rarely falls to the lot of a married couple to enjoy 65 years of companionship, but such has been the experience of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Colyer whose 65th wedding anniversary was quietly celebrated at a family dinner given at the C. A. Lukens home on Nov. 17th.  Mrs. Lukens is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Colyer and in addition to the guests of honor and the Lukens family, there were present Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hogue of Monmouth, Mrs. Hogue being a cousin of Mrs. Colyer and the only surviving member of the company of relatives and friends who were present when the couple were untied in marriage. Fifteen years ago this venerable couple celebrated their golden wedding at the their home in Gladstone and on that occasion there were five present who had been witnesses of their of their marriage.

Lorenzo D. Colyer and Nancy E. Carmichael were untied in marriage Nov.17, 1858 on what is now the Forward farm one mile east of Gladstone and practically their entire married life has been spent in Henderson County.  During the Civil War Mr. Colyer responded to is country’s call and became a member of the 47th Ill. Regiment of Infantry, serving in the same until the close of the conflict.  He then engaged in the milling business, operating mills at Kirkwood and Jack’s Mills and also what was known as Ward’s Mill, two miles east of Gladstone.  After retiring from that business, they established a home in Gladstone where they resided until about eight years ago when they came to Stronghurst in order to be near their two daughters, Mrs. W. J. McKeown and Mrs. C. A. Lukens, whose homes are in this village. A son, Orville Colyer, lives at St. Joseph, Mo. and another daughter, Mrs. Eva Cadle died at her home in Gladstone some twenty years or more ago and two sons, Oliver and William, died in their youth.

The declining years of this aged couple are marked by a spirit of cheerfulness and contentment resulting from the consciousness of having spent their more active years in useful and honorable service to their fellow men and it is sincere wish of their many friends that they may still be spared a goodly number of years of companionship.  Mr. Colyer is in his 91st year and Mrs. Colyer in her 82nd, making their combined age 173 years. This, we believe is a record for which few parallels can be found.

FATHER AND SONS BANQUET AT U. P. CHURCH: The father and son banquet given at the Stronghurst U. P. Church on Nov.22nd was a most felicitous an auspicious event calculated to unite the men of the congregation, both young and old, in a common bond of companionship and fellowship.  Previous to the feast, the Stronghurst Band gave a short but highly appreciated concert in the church auditorium.  Following this the men and boys were asked to form in line and march to the basement dining room where six long tables were found with covers laid for 150 guests.  When all had found seats at the tables, few chairs were vacant.  Rev. Mahaffey, who acted as toastmaster, announced that before the serving of food there would be a short program given and he called upon Robert Mathers, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mathers, for a reading entitled “Poor Old Dad.”  Two readings by Harold Bainter followed. A vocal selection by Mr. Geo Widney entitled “The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise” so pleased the guests that they demanded another song. Widney responded with one stanza from “Barney Google.” These numbers, with one or two orchestra selections, completed the program.  The feast which followed was an eloquent testimonial to the culinary skill of the good ladies of the congregation and was served in three courses by the younger matrons and young ladies of the church.  The menu consisted of nut salad, hot rolls, chicken pie, mashed potatoes with gravy, June peas, celery, cold slaw, pickles, apple pie al-a-mode and coffee.  After full justices had been done to this feature of the evening’s program, Rev. Mahaffey introduced Rev. Dale Buchanan of Monmouth, Ill. as the speaker of the evening.  The general theme of his discourse was “the Game of Life.”  Afterward he was given a vote of appreciation.  It was the universally expressed sentiment of those participating in this delightful event that it should be made an annual affair hereafter.

EVANGELIST COMING TO TOWN:  Evangelist R. H. Heicke of Springfield, Ill, State Evangelist of the Christian Churches of Illinois will begin a revival meeting at the Christian Church Dec. 5th.  Some of the interesting subjects to be discussed are the following: “What is Man?”; “The Biggest Fool in Stronghurst”; “The Question of the Centuries”; “The Unpardonable Sin”; “Can a Man be Saved Outside of the Church?” and many others. Evangelist Heicke uses an electrically illuminated cross in the meetings. Interesting and instructive lectures will also be given at the close of the meetings each evening which are illustrated by beautiful hand colored stereopticon slides. 

CORN SHOW-A SUCCESS: The corn show for Henderson County exhibitors arranged by W.B.Gregory and held in the Gregory garage attracted a large number of contenders and spectators.  The interest shown was a deserved tribute to the enterprise and progressive spirit shown by the promoter of the event. Fifty entrants tried for the prizes offered and the display of corn was one which would have done credit to a show of a more pretentious character.

Previous to the judging, E. G. Lewis, F. M. Bane, extension specialist, and Wm. Hartquist, the judges selected, each gave a short talk to the assembled farmers presenting their ideas as to what points they considered important in corn judging and assuring the contestants that in making their decisions they would be governed by unbiased judgment since they knew nothing about the identity of the various exhibitors. (Check this issue for a list of winners-many.)

BAKED CHICKEN DINNER:  In connection with the annual bazaar which the ladies of the Stronghurst M. E. Church will hold on Dec. 7th, a baked chicken dinner will be given.  The following menus will be served: baked chicken, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, mashed turnips, cranberries, cabbage salad, celery, pickles, bread and butter, pie and coffee-all for the 35 cents.

HOME BOMBED: The home of A. L. Hainline, State’s Attorney of McDonough County, was wrecked by a bomb about 10 o’clock last Thursday night. Mr. Hainline, his family and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hainline, owners of the Macomb Journal who were in the house at the time of the explosion, escaped injury. The home was damaged to the extent of $2,000 ($27, 440 in today’s values) by the force of the explosion. Windows in the houses for two blocks from the Hainline house were shattered and the report was heard in Bushnell, 14 miles away.

Although no statement as to the possible identity of the bombers has been made by Mr. Hainline, it is the general belief in Macomb that bootleggers against whom Mr. Hainline has waged a relentless persecution in the McDonough County courts are responsible for the outrage. Henry “Kelly” Weggle was arrested at his home in Colchester, Ill., on suspicion of being the man who touched off the bomb, but on investigation of the affair, he was released where no evidence was found connecting him with the crime. Citizens, indignant and aroused by what they say was the worst criminal act in the history of Macomb, are planning to offer $2,500 reward, which they believe will bring information tending to clear up the mystery. 

A THANKGIVING DAY APPEAL: For many families in Illinois the Thanksgiving season is a time of home coming and family reunions. For many of the homeless children in the care of the Illinois children’s Home and Aid Society, it is a period of special sadness because of their great heart hunger for the home life which has been denied them. Bereft of their own parents, they desire more than anything else a place in a family home. The Society is in special need of homes for boys from 7-12 years of age. Address Illinois Children’s Home and Aid Society, 308 North Michigan Blvd., Chicago.

(Today, it is not at this location and is called Children’s Home and Aid Society.)

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The Senior Class play, “All of Sudden Peggy,” will be presented at the Lyric Theatre Dec. 14th and 15th. A little daughter was born to Mrs. Emil Peterson at her home in the east part of town. H. N. Vaughn and family are anticipating moving from their farm to their new modern brick home in town.  Walter Nolan has had an up-to-date radio outfit installed in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nolan, south of town. Mrs. Meredith Lovitt, who has been in poor health, was taken to the Burlington Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shook and family and Mrs. Shook’s brother, Claude Hurd, arrived from Arkansas, having driven through in their car.  Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crenshaw received two lovely bouquets of Chrysanthemums from their daughters, Mrs. Florence Hunter of Elgin, Ill., in recognition of their 50th wedding anniversary. (Fresh flowers in December was an expensive gift.)

Joe White shipped one carload of hogs to Chicago on Monday. C. E. Fort sent one carload of cattle and the Farmers’ Cooperative Shipping Ass’n four loads of hogs. Leslie Lovitt and C. E. Fort accompanied the shipments. (Back then farmers could ride in the caboose to the stockyards.) Miss Jewel Rusk, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Rusk of Kirkwood, was instantly killed in an auto accident Thursday night on the road south of Kirkwood. Miss Rusk in company with Claud Arnold was riding in a Ford which collided with a car occupied by James Sward and a Miss Cook of Biggsville, the other three occupants of the two cars were not seriously injured. A verdict of accidental death was returned by the coroner’s jury. C. E. Peasley and wife were visitors at the big livestock show in Kansas City. Bert Putney and wife have been at Chillicothe, Ill. for the past week or two cooking for a construction crew of some sort there. Miss Ethel, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Brokaw, is engaged in Bible training work at St. Ansgar, Iowa. The ladies of the Stronghurst U. P. Church will hold their annual oyster supper in the church dining rooms on Dec.11th.  Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Stokes, former Terre Haute residents who have been members of the soldiers home at Quincy, Ill. for the past 12 years, celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary at a family dinner given in their honor by their son, Rolla C. Stokes in Quincy on Nov. 18th.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Media community Club invites every one to be present at their Xmas bazaar which is to be held in the basement of the U. P. Church. Towels, caps, fancy work, children’s dresses and bloomers, Polly Prim and Bungalo aprons, fancy aprons, dolls and many other articles will be offered for sale.  Supper will be served at 5:30. A candy and pop corn booth and an orange grove have been planned.  The Ladies Missionary Society of the U. P. Church gave the pageant, “Grandmother’s Dream ComesTrue,” as their annual thank offering praise service. Quite a good audience of mothers greeted the pupils of the grade school when they appeared in a program for observance of Educational Week. The Farmers’ Cooperative Store of which Mr. and Mrs. George Wax are managers have put in a nice line of jewelry and other fancy article for their Xmas trade. New fixtures are being installed in the State Bank to replace those demolished by burglars last September. They are being placed so that the cage will be on a straight line instead of the curved line which the old ones formed. This is quite of an improvement as it affords more room behind as well as in front of the cage. Clyde Stansbary and Harold Graham are doing the work. Paul Erickson has finished his course at Hoffman’s Business College of Milwaukee, Wis.  While hunting in the woods near the C. G. Richey farm west of town, Eldon White, Robert Sullivan and Perry Heap succeeded in killing a large grew wolf.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Relatives received word of the death of Miss Melissa Hays at her home in Monmouth where she has been confined to her bed a number of years with rheumatism.  Funeral services were held at the home with burial in the Kirkwood Cemetery.  Biggsville was hard hit Thursday night when some of their young people figured in an auto accident which resulted in the death of Miss Jewel Rusk of Kirkwood.  That same night some night robbers entered several homes but getting no loot except at the August Wiegand home where two diamond rings and a heavy overcoat were taken.  The funeral of Mrs. J. O. Riggs of Monmouth was held at the west side church.  Mrs. Riggs was the mother of Mrs. Bert Liby of this place and has been a frequent visitor in the home. The North Book Club met in the home of Mrs. Harry Plummer.  Sewing and visiting were the amusements of the afternoon.  The hostess served Parker House rolls, escalloped oyster, salad, celery hearts and cake and ice cream.