The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1923 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, Oct. 4, 1923

BIBLE SCHOOL CONVENTION: The annual Henderson County Bible School Convention which was held in the M. E. Church drew a large assembly of interest and earnest workers and the program was full of features which were calculated to inspire and encourage these workers to renewed energy in the Bible School field.

The convention was called to order by Clarence Gibb of Biggsville, president of the association and devotion was led by Rev. Riddington of the Raritan Baptist Church.  Rev. C. H. Lietchfield gave a short address entitled “The Facts as They Are.”  He called attention to the large percentage of nominally Christian people who were not reached by Bible School and that many were receiving no instruction of any kind along religious lines.  Coming down to Henderson County, he said that of the 10,000 or more inhabitants of the county, only about 2,200 were enrolled in the Bible School.  Concerning the time spent in instruction in religious things, he said that among Protestants only about a half hour a week or about 24 hours a year were given to special religious instruction of the young while the Catholics gave 200 hours a year and the Jews gave a greater amount…The next speaker was Dr. J. C. Page of Chicago who spoke on “Our Need and Henderson County’s Need.”  The convention reassembled at 1:30 pm with devotionals given by Rev. Jones of Little York.  Miss Emma Marshall of Stronghurst read a paper on “What Part Has the Holy Spirit in Revival?”  Other speakers continued throughout the afternoon…CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS: The court convened for the Oct. term with Judge W. F. Graham presiding. The Grand Jury was organized by the selection of C. C. Collins of Media as foreman and Clyde Brouse of Gladstone as clerk.  The greater part of the second day was occupied in entering orders pertaining to cases on the docket.  The larger part of the cases to come before court are Chancery cases.  The only jury case likely to be tried is that of Ditto vs  Greenlimb etal which is an ejectment case and will probably require two days for completion. The Grand Jury completed its labors and found no true bills of indictment.  They visited the county jail and their report to the court was that they found conditions there to be neat and sanitary.

WINS THE GAME: The local high school football team won its second victory for the season last Friday afternoon on Sanderson’s field when it held La Harpe warriors scoreless and accumulated 13 points to its own credit through two touchdowns and a goal.  The opposing team proved a much stronger organization than the Biggsville team which was here the week previous and the contest was a hard fought one throughout, the failure of the visitors to score being due to failure to profit at critical periods in the game from the gains made before

INCOME TAX INVESTIGATION DRIVE: We’ve got you on the list, or we’ll get you on the list is the song of the deputy income tax collector from now until Feb.1.  Under instructions from Washington an intensive and nationwide income tax investigation drive starts today…Where unreported income is discovered by investigations made by Field Deputies under the law, the maximum penalties must be imposed, but where the taxpayers voluntarily report mistakes in filling returns, the policy of the bureau is to be as lenient as the law will permit…With 90,000 warrants inherited when she took office now reduced to 3,000, Collector Mabel G. Reinecke of this district declares that her deputies are now ready to do good work in the new drive.

POTATOES AT STRONGHURST: I will have a car load of choice U.S.No.1 grade red River early Ohio potatoes on the track next week.  Phone orders to W. A. Keener or the Haben Feed Mill. Prices reasonable-W. A .Keener.

***OBITUARY***AMOS EDMUNDS: Amos Edmunds, former prominent resident of the Terre Haute neighborhood and a member of the Illinois Legislature in the early 90’s and who for the past 23 years had made his home at Chelan, Wash., died at a Galesburg, Ill. hospital on Sept. 26th.

Amos Edmunds, son of Daniel Edmunds and Eliza Logan Edmunds, was born on the old Edmunds homestead near Terre Haute, Ill. Feb. 28, 1849 and died at Galesburg, Ill, Sept. 26, 1923, aged 74 years, 6 months and 28 days.  He came of pioneer New England stock, a descendant of Roger Williams, the missionary preacher and founder of Rhode Island.  His father was one of the earliest settlers in Western Illinois.

In boyhood days he attended the district school on the prairie and at the age of 16, he entered Denmark Academy, Denmark, Iowa where he completed his preparatory education.  He was one of the first students of the University of Illinois after it was founded at Champaign. Upon completion of his college work he commenced farming upon a portion of the old homestead, engaged in school teaching and lecturing during the winter months.  One of these lecture trips took him to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and it was there that he met Mary A. Campbell, daughter of Hon. Daniel Campbell, who became his wife on Dec. 15, 1875.

Dairy farming and the raising of blooded cattle made a particular appeal to him.  He made a special effort to procure the best breeding stock possible and his success in that line was such that within a few years, he was shipping breeding stock to nearly every state in the Union and even to Old Mexico.  Becoming favorably known as a stock breeder of discerning judgment, he was employed for many years by the Illinois State Fair Association as an expert judge and in that capacity he awarded prizes to some of finest show herds in the United States.

During the time he was acquiring a fund of knowledge and experience in agricultural affairs which made him an authority in that field.  In 1890 he was honored by his neighbors by election to the Illinois general assembly.  During this session occurred the famous senatorial deadlock resulting in the election of Gen. John M. Palmer by the “101” of which group he was an aggressive and enthusiastic member.

In 1900 the pioneer urge which had brought his father to Illinois nearly a hundred years ago came to him and although he never parted with the old farm and made frequent trips back to visit it, the family home was moved to Chelan, Washington.  In this new community he took a leading part in community life.  The town was organized soon after he became a resident and he was elected its first Mayor.  Thereafter he was elected for several successive terms to succeed himself.  He participated actively in all of the business and civic enterprises of that region and took a leading part in developing it from a raw state to one of richest sections of the West.

While a boy at the Denmark Academy, he united with the Congregational Church and in later years transferring his membership to the Congregation Church at Lakeside, Washington.

Besides his widow and two children, he leaves to mourn his three grandchildren-Loraine, Lucile and Vera Ridout; a sister-Mrs. Susan Lockwood of Gilman, Illinois, and two brothers-Logan Edmunds of Gilman and James Edmunds of Winemucca, Nevada.  Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church in Terre Haute with burial in charge of La Harpe and Terre Haute Odd Fellows in the old family burying ground in Terre Haute Cemetery.”—LaHarpe Quill

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Joe Peasley is expected home from Canada where he has been for the past ten days buying 90 head of cattle.  Mr. and Mrs. Byron Peasley Tyler, Texas stopped on their way home from a business trip to Detroit, Mich.  Mr. and Mrs. Reece who came recently from Loraine to assist their daughter, Mrs. H.A. Epping, in running the Mahnesmith Hotel and rooming house, returned home.  Mr. and Mrs. Epping have secured living rooms upstairs above Dr. A.E. Lauver’s office.  A number of young ladies of the community were entertained by Miss Lois Marshall at a slumber party given at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. A. Marshall. A fine 10 lb, daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Putney on Oct.1st at the home of Mrs. Putney’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schulze at Dallas City.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Harter has the thanks of the Graphic for the gift of a rare flowering bulb which has blossoms similar to the crocus, but which blooms without being placed in either soil or water.  The plant is known as the Colchicum.  She procured a number of the bulbs in Chicago during a recent visit there. (Also known as the “autumn crocus”)  Frank Johnson, the local livestock shipper for the Farmers’ Cooperative Shipping Ass’n., is going about on crutches as he received as injury to his foot while assisting in spotting a car at the stock yards for loading out some stock. 

The large grain and stock barn on the Sandine farm 3 miles east of Dallas City was consumed by fire after being struck by lightning.  25 tons of hay, 450 bushels of wheat, 600 bushels of oats, 18 head of hogs and a large amount of farming implements were also lost in the fire.  Elmer Sandine, who had just driven into barn on his return from town, had a narrow escape as he had driven right into the midst of a bunch of hogs in the driveway all of which were killed by the bolt.

Supervisors William Hartgrove and Mrs. Maude Ives, both of Oquawka, were united in marriage at the home of the bride on Wednesday of last week.  Oswald Smith, one of our Stronghurst boys but who has been making his home in LaHarpe till recently, has accepted a position with the C.B. & Q. R.R. as a brakeman with a run from Galesburg to Ottumwa.  One of the largest wheat farms in Henderson County is situated south of Oquawka and is owned by Moir Bros. & LeMair.  They had 650 acres in wheat this year which yielded a total of 18,000 bushels, an average of 27 ½ bushels to the acre---good quality grain. 

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The annual picnic of Wever Academy and Media Community High School was held Saturday with only a few attending from a distance because of the heavy rain preceding the event.  For the coming year, Miss Jean Spears was elected president of the alumni association and John Butler of Raritan vicinity, secretary.  Plans for next year set the date on the third Thursday in August.  The Academy was built by Nathan Weaver in 1889 and he endowed it with 360 acres of land besides the plat on which it stands.  The following is a short sketch of Mr. Wever’s life read by Mrs. Florence Mathers before the company present.

Nathan Wever was born at Greenwich, Washington County, New York on Aug. 3, 1823.  Upon attaining school age he attended the district school three months during the year, helping his parents on the farm the balance of the time until he was 14 years old when he went to live with an older brother where he lived until he turned 21 years.  Upon attaining his majority, he gathered together all his belongings, which he wrapped in a red handkerchief and on foot journeyed to Wisconsin.  Here for a short time he attended the Academy at Milton, then came to this county and attended the common schools for a time.  He then took up the carpenter trade becoming skilled and successful as a workman.  In 1852 with no money, no influence, no capital save the bright hope of a young man and the determination to succeed, he commenced teaching school at the salary of $16.66 for 2-3 months.  Being frugal in his manner of living, he had saved a sufficient amount to purchase a tract of land lying just north of the village.  In the spring of 1855 he began farming and together with stock raising  he continued until 1887, the year the Santa Fe Railroad was constructed, having added to his lands from time to time until he owned 640 acres of land all in one body.  In 1888 he laid out the town, now the village of Media-at this stage of his life the whole scope of the true objects of his life is uncovered-his aspirations, his generosity, his fidelity of public spirit.

For over 30 years it had been the purpose of Mr. Wever to someday establish an educational institution which would be a blessing to the community and county in which he lived.  When the new town of Media was located by the railroad company on his property, he determined to begin at once this philanthropic work.  In 1889 unsolicited and unknown to most people, he began and prosecuted to a finish the large and commodious building known as the Wever Media Academy Community High School.  Mr. Wever’ s motto was “I would found the school that will do the most good.”

He gave his fortune largely for the good of the community.  Before he passed over life’s horizon, Mr. Wever had the satisfaction of seeing his school in operation for 16 years.  It is a great thing to help the world and see results of the help you give.”

OTHER MEDIA NEWS: Prof. Neil Ausmus went to Oquawka and drove home a new Ford roadster which he purchased of an Oquawka dealer.  Albert Swanson is a student at Augustana College, Rock Island.  Mr. Preston Smith who has been ill was taken to the Monmouth Hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis.  He is doing well as can be expected.  Dr. Rankin accompanied him.  Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gibson and family of Fort Madison left their home at 8 a.m. expecting to attend the Academy picnic, but the roads were so bad that they did not arrive until that evening between eight and nine.  Mr. and Mrs. Homer Griffiths and family who went to Colorado for his health are back and he is much improved.  Bennie Heap is attending Monmouth College.  Rev. Paul Walsh, the newly appointed pastor of the M. E. Church, filled his pulpit for the first time Sunday afternoon and left a most favorable impression upon his congregation.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. George Millen is being ably assisted in her house work the past week by Miss Adaline Johnson of South Henderson.  Dr. Herbert of Monmouth is directing the chorus during the Synod meeting.  Mrs. Ernest Moore has been crippling as she fell down stairs and torn the ligaments loose from one knee.  The 66th Annual Synod began at 7:30 p.m. Monday night in the United Presbyterian Church with a large delegation of ministers and elders from Illinois and Wisconsin.  The members of the Gun Club are clearing a rifle range in the George Jamison pasture.  They have twenty members.  J. A. Mahr is president, Dr. Mudd is vice president and Mr. Stevens is the secretary treasurer plus instructor.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Evangelist Keel of Des Moines, Ia. will begin a series of meetings beginning Sunday evening.  Messrs Virgil Dixon and Bert Bundy are attending court as juryman.  Archie Vaughn and Sam Howell are serving on the petit jury.  Mr. Coudry will soon be blacksmithing again in the E. L. Werts property.

RARITAN REPORTS: The public sale of the household goods of Mrs. Fred Deutwiler was held at her home.  She leaves with her sister for Ohio, her new home.  G. H. Voorhees and Miss Gretta are having their barn and house repainted.  Peter Pearson expects to move to his new home purchased from Gove.  C. S. Cooper is having a new porch built on his dwelling house.