The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic Dec. 14, 1923
STUDENTS TO PLANT GARDENS: One hundred and forty-four gardens will be planted in Hancock County by students. Two thousand three hundred and fifty children in the count will spend most of their waking hours for eight months of the year in the most barren places in the county. With the aid of S.D.Faris, county superintendent of schools, every teacher in the county has been notified that plans are now available for the planting of school grounds, and list of shrubs and plants suitable for transplanting my be obtained from the art extension committee. The Parent-Teacher Associations have pledged their support, and Mrs. Whitten, the regional chairman of this district will name a person to sponsor this work in the county.
(Appearing on the front page of this issue is the following; compare it with ideal woman today.)
A PERFECT WOMAN: The measurements of the perfect woman, as approved by a New York sculptor, follows: Height-5 feet 7 inches; weight-147 lbs; wrist-6 ˝ inches;bust-36 inches; waist-24 ˝ inches; hips-42 inches; thigh-22 inches; knee-17 inches; calf-15 inches; ankle-8 inches; size of glove-6 ˝ ; size of shoe-8 ˝; color of hair-chestnut brown; and color of eyes-hazel.
BAND RULES (shades of the Music Man by Meredith Wilson): There seems to be some misunderstanding in regard to the new band. Some are under the impression that there is a fee charged when you join which is not the case. It has been the rule, heretofore, to make a charge to new members. This was done in order to help support the band and pay the instructor, but with this band, all that is necessary is to furnish your own instrument and the instruction is free. This is best chance the young men have had to get free band instruction in the history of Stronghurst bands. Those wishing to purchase instruments can do so at a very reasonable price. See the instructor in regard to this. Next rehearsal will be Monday night at the city hall. -The Committee
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Chas. Bell, who was taken suddenly ill with an attack of pleurisy and threatened appendicitis a week ago last Saturday is now on the road to recovery. With no further complications arising, he will be ale to be out next week. During his absence we have been assisted in publishing the Graphic by A.H. Kershaw, Mr. Steffey and J.F.Mains. These gentlemen kindly volunteered their attendance in their spare time which is highly appreciated by the publisher. Mr. and Mrs. D. Headen leave for a two moths sojourn at Long Beach, California. It is reported that Mr. Orville Boyd and Miss Marquerite Wheeling were married this Thursday evening at Galesburg, Ill. Mrs. J.F. McMillan has gone to Des Moines, Ia. for a two weeks visit with relatives. She was accompanied by her brother, Roy Lunderman, who has been working for the Stronghurst Lumber Co. The second annual banquet given by the business men of the village to the high school football team was held this Thursday evening at the Nuvon Hotel.
“Stronghurst has its boulevard lights turned on now and they are said to make a fine showing. We understand these were purchased solely by the merchants which indicates a live bunch of men”-Dallas City Review
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Elmer Worley and Louis Echardt, Jr. have commenced team work for the Sinclair Pipe Line Co. and are working west of Ormonde to Fort Madison.
A musical entertainment and plate supper was given at the Christian Church Thursday evening which was very good indeed and a considerable amount of cash was taken in which will go to the Red Cross. A daughter was born to S.F. Tannus and wife at the Burlington Hospital on Monday of last week. The Lomax Foundry under new management has opened up for business the past week. They will continue to manufacture the Forde furnace.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: The young people’s play, “All a Mistake,” was given in the church parlors here a recent evening. The four young ladies and four gentlemen forming the cast surely did themselves proudly. They did some splendid acting for amateurs and each seemed well fitted for the part assigned them and brought out some worth while talent. They took in $32 and some of this has been applied on the price of a piano which they recently purchased. They are offering to give this play to any church which will invite them for one half of the door fees. Mr. and Mrs. Gorrell of Red Oak, Ia. who were called here to attend the funeral of Mr. Leslie Lyons have been spending some time visiting relatives and friends. The Senior Class of the Olena M.E. Church will be pleased to entertain you in the church in the village next Friday evening. Sandwiches, pie and coffee will be served. Mr. Lee Davis and Mr. Wilbur Davis were home for Thanksgiving. Mr. Elmer Carlson, who has spent the last several months in Kansas and Nebraska, has returned to his home west of Olena. Miss Tona Hult returned to her home after a visit to Burlington. Mrs. Hazel Johnson Fisher has gone to Iowa City to take treatment for lung trouble. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.J.Johnson, are keeping the young daughter Lillian during the absence of her mother. The Gladstone store was broken into one night last week, but the culprits were soon caught and are now keeping company with some of the bootleggers in the County jail in Oquawka. Mr. James Brewer, who has spent the past three weeks in a Burlington hospital, was able to return to his home east of Olena. Mr. Brewer was suffering from a hurt which he received from a young horse some time ago.
OBITUARY***MR. RUFUS LESLIE LYONS: Rufus Leslie Lyons, youngest son of Jesse and Nancy Lyons, was born on the old homestead three and a half miles northwest of Olena on Jan. 5, 1884 and after a lingering illness of several months, departed this life in the early morning of Nov. 27, 1922. On Feb. 15, 1912 the deceased untied in wedlock with Miss Bertha Quinn of Biggsville, Ill. To this union two daughters were born: Mildred Louise, aged 9 years, and Velma May, aged 6 years.
At an early age the deceased united with the Olena Methodist Episcopal church and continued that relation to the end. He was preceded in death by an infant sister. He was a kind husband, a loving and indulgent father, a very patient sufferer and when asked how he was felling, he usually said, “I have felt better.” Besides his wife and daughters, he leaves to mourn his aged parents, one brother, Charles Lyons of Olena, two sisters-Mrs. Alice Schroeder of Media, Ill. And Mrs. Nellie Miller of Biggsville, Ill…Funeral services were conducted in the Olena M.E. Church.