The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

It's In The Simple Things

Dessa Rodeffer, Quill Publisher/Owner

December 13, 2017

If you are reading this on Wednesday, December 13th, it is only 12 days until Christmas. I hope you are finished shopping for those special people in your life, and that you were able to remember cards and visits for those who are shut in over the holidays.

The holidays is a cheerful happy time, but also, it is a reminder of those who are no longer here among us and can bring sadness for many missing family members who have passed or are in the service.

We especially think of those who have suffered with illness, tragedy, or loss at this time. A card, a visit, a hug, a smiling face can do more than one can believe.

I really love the news that I heard about Christmas carolers walking around town singing at the homes of shut-ins and the retirement and the nursing homes. It seems like a simple thing, but those are what mean the most - the simple things.

Too many times we overthink Christmas. Maybe it is because of our children's or adults Big-Item-Christmas-List. But what we ask for, is not always what we need the most.

If no one showed up for Christmas and they all just sent a gift instead, would the gift really make Christmas? I believe what really is important at Christmas, is that which warms the heart.

It's that we remember our family, and celebrate the reason for the season.

What warms my family's hearts, is attending candlelight service, singing familiar hymns like Silent Night, hearing the Nativity story of Jesus' birth, gathering around the table sharing love