The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Christmas Book 2017: Remembering: Special Times

Dessa Rodeffer, Quill Publisher/Owner

November 15, 2017

It is time to be turning in your items for the 2017 Christmas Book. We are asking you to please contribute!

This year's book is entitled: REMEMBERING: The Special Times of Christmas.

Think back and remember a special time. I know you have one.... a Christmas you will never forget, or a gift you received that was so very special, and maybe it was something you did for someone else or they did for you, or perhaps a story about a Christmas project.

Maybe you remember the cooking and baking, or going to get the tree or the turkey.

Perhaps it was at grandpa and grandma's house or a special guest who came.

Please share your special recipes, stories, or songs with us and send them as soon as possible as we will be working on the book, right after Thanksgiving. Deadline is November 29th.

Here are a few ideas:

Christmas Trees, Santa Clause, Letters to Santa, Snow, Mysterys at Christmas, Treasured Gifts, Believing, Where are they hidden, Special treats, a different kind of Christmas, the favorite Christmas, favorite carole, our Christmas dinner, the meaning of Christmas to me, attending a special church service, what the kids did for fun, getting the tree, Christmas cards, the eggnog we made, gifts we gave, or gifts we received, seeing Santa, helping out at Christmas....

The possibilities are endless and you may have a memory of sledding or Christmas caroling or snow ball fights.

We love any picture you have to accompany your story as well.

Maybe you have a special Christmas tradition - like Christmas Eve, or Day or things you did with your cousins like skiing or ice skating.

REMEMBERING:A Special Time at Christmas will be fun if you take part.

Please share your memories with us and email them to or send them to The Quill Christmas Book, PO Box 149, Stronghurst, IL 61480, or drop them by the office by the 29th of November.

Your memories will make our book extra special. We appreciate all of your contributions.

We hope to see you at our Stronghurst Ouill office this Friday from 5 to 7 p.m. where we will be handing out cookies and punch and "Dorf" the elf will be here to entertain you.

We also have a drawing for a couple of free subscriptions you can sign up for and for everyone who buys a subscription to The Quill, you will receive a free beautifully lighted Quill pen and stylist.

I wanted to end with a verse from a beautiful patriotic song, "America "of which I am most thankful for:

My Country 'tis of Thee, Sweet Land of Liberty, of Thee I Sing;

Land where my Fathers Died,

Land of the Pilgrims' Pride,

From ev'ry Mountainside,

Let Freedom Ring!