The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Shirley Linder, Quill Editor
At the September 5th meeting of the Village of Stronghurst Board, Chris Cooper of MSA told the board the concrete poured for the water tower had tested stronger than specifications.
They have excavated for the ring foundation and will return to do the re-bars. For now they are working on the foundation and upon completion, they will remove the forms, back fill the hole, and will be finished until the steel arrives in January.
The board opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Brendan Schaley.
Minutes and bills were then approved, with the exception of one bill.
Mike Stoddard, Bartonsville, was present at the request of Ronnie Gittings, to answer questions regarding well #4 rejuvenation.
The well drilled in 1959 has never been rejuvenated due to the fact it was the only well in use and could not be shut down. Stoddard said there is no guarantee on how long the rejuvenation would last or how far back the well will come in producing.
He said the risk of the rock well caving in as they perform the air bursts, is very minimal. Stoddard came in with the highest of four bids ($13,668, but was the only one agreeing to come and address the board.
Bruce Caldwell asked Gittings if he had gotten a figure on drilling a new well, to which Gittings replied he would talk about it in executive session because that s not something you would want everyone who bids to know.
Robert Root inquired on the status of the liquor ordinance, saying they (Robert and Gary Root) have a strong interest, a spot and are ready to proceed with a bar and grill.
Mayor Schaley explained they are still working on the ordinance and have not decided on all the language for it as yet.
He said Jerry Nortrup and Bruce Caldwell were on that committee and working on it with the lawyer.
Police report given by Danny Moore included: 131 hours worked; 715 miles on squad car; 6 verbal warnings; 2 written warnings; 8 service calls; 22 business checks.
In other business:
Mike Bohnenkamp made a motion to go into closed session to discuss personnel business at 7:55 p.m. Shane Reed 2nd the motion and a unanimous vote was made.
According to Clerk Morgan Lewis, The position to replace Bryan (Bohnenkamp) received 5 applications. Ronnie (Gittings) mentioned that he planned to retire spring 2019 at the earliest. The board decided that they will conduct interviews on September 14th staring at 6:00 p.m. They also discussed that an employee upon leaving employment will be paid vacation, sick, and casual until the time the board passes a new ordinance. Amanda (Kane) the made a motion to end executive session at 8:25 p.m. and Jerry (Nortrup) 2nd, unanimous vote was had.
Present were: President Brendan Schaley; Trustees, Mike Bohnenkamp, Shane Reed, Amanda Kane, David Vancil, Jerry Nortrup, Bruce Caldwell; Employess, Morgan Lewis, Ronnie Gittings, Bryan Bohnenkamp, Danny Moore, Attorey Bill Rasmussen; guests, Chris Cooper, MSA, Mike Stoddar, Robert Root, Gary Root, Randy Jarvis. Lori Taylor, Virginia Ross, Stacie Newberry, David Knutstrom, Shirley Linder
The next board meeting will be held on Monday, October 2nd, 7 p.m. at city hall.