The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Village of Oquawka Meet September 5th

by Lisa Ray, The Quill

The Oquawka Village Board met for its regular monthly meeting on September 5, 2017.

Angela Myers from the Henderson County Health Dept. was present to discuss a State of Illinois "Smoke Free Outdoor Space" program. Thru a Tobacco grant their goal is to make parks and other outdoor play areas a cleaner safer place for kids to play.

They have tested the program at the Stronghurst Park and she states they have seen improvement. She asked permission to place signs at the pool and playground area. She will have more information in the newspapers regarding the program.

Motion was made by Trustee N. Bundy and 2nd by Trustee Jern to authorize the Health Dept. to place "no smoking" signs.

A motion was made by Trustee Jern and 2nd by N. Bundy and permission was granted to close 4th Street between DC's and the Township Hall during "Roo's Ride" on September 9th from 8:00 am to 1:00 am September 10th. The motion was made by Trustee Jern and 2nd by Trustee N. Bundy.

Brenda Tee and Susan Meyer were present to ask permission to close Schuyler Street beginning at 6th Street at Midwest Bank down to the Levee and 5th Street to the alley by the bank for the Cutting Edge to have activities during the Schuyler Street Stroll. A motion made by Trustee T. Bundy and 2nd by Trustee Lumbeck to close Schuyler Street during the Schuyler Street Stroll.

There will be a "street clean-up" on September 24th beginning at 9:00am and can use any and all volunteers to help!

Trustee Nancy Bundy has been in contact with Cassie Henshaw to develop a Village website. Motion made by Trustee Jern and 2nd by Trustee N. Bundy to hire Cassie Henshaw as a consultant and maintain the Village website pending contract approval.

At the recommendation of Mayor Eldridge, motion was made by Trustee Jern and 2nd by Trustee T. Bundy to appoint Jason Howard to fulfill the remaining 2 year term of Trustee Leo Kuberski who resigned in July.

Discussed a possible snow route ordinance for 2017-2018. Attorney Youngquist will check into other area ordinances and it will be discussed at a later date.

Set October 21st at 9:00am as "clean-up" date to go thru old documents.

Motion made by Trustee Jern and 2nd by Trustee T. Bundy to adjust rent for the Oquawka Current from $275.00 to $300.00 pending approval beginning October 2017.

Citizens present to address the board and were not on the agenda:

Resident Alvie Louck expressed concern regarding the trees and debris he still has in his yard from the storm. There were volunteers who assisted him during the Community Clean-up, however, he still has debris that still needs to be removed. Mr. Louck was informed it was the responsibility of all residents to get debris to the road for pick up.

Two citizens were present to request zoning variances. Both requests were tabled and will be discussed further during a work session.

Attorney Andy Youngquist thanked Police Chief Keith DeJaynes for his help with the junk and debris campaign and enforcing the ordinance.

Mayor Eldridge thanked the Village workers for their hard work.

Mick Olson of Bruner, Cooper & Zuck Inc. was present regarding delays due to changes in the IDOT bidding and work process for MFT funds.

Trustee Nancy Bundy reported she has been working with the court house for street addresses as well as work needed at the boat ramp.

Zoning Officer John Newton reported he issued 1 permit.

Fire Chief Troy Jern was absent. Trustee Hal Jern reported on his behalf 3 fires, 5 assist calls and a training session.

Mayor Eldridge expressed concern with the 1972 fire truck. Trustee T. Bundy suggested a meeting between the Village Board and the Fire Department for further discussion.

Old Business: The Schuyler Street Stroll is Saturday September 30th.

Police Chief Keith DeJaynes reported the following:

July 2017


6-Domestic Battery,

2-Thefts over $300.00,

1-Retail Theft,


1- Criminal Damage to property,

2-Unlawful restraint,

1-Criminal Trespass


6-Ambulance, 7-County.

Juvenile Calls: 4,

Tavern Calls: 2

Ordinance Violation: 2

Dog Calls: 5

Golf Cart/Side by side inspections: 1

Speeding: 4

Stop sign

3-suspended D/L

1-Illegal Transportation of Alcohol



58-Other calls

Fines: $750.71


Criminal: 3-Domestic Battery, 1-Battery, 1-DUI, 1-Breach of Peace

Assisting: 4-Ambulance, 6-County

Juvenile Calls: 2

Tavern calls: 2

Ordinance Violation: 1

Dog Calls: 3

Golf Cart/side by side inspections: 1


2-stop sign

2-suspended D/L

1-spinning tires

1-reckless driving

1-failure to yield at intersection

1-failure to give information after striking a vehicle

1-driving in wrong lane

2-no valid registration



77-other calls

Fines: $250.00

Mayor Eldridge opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The bills, Treasurer's Report and minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Board members present: Mayor Robert Eldridge, Village Secretary Jackie Smith, Village Trustees Hal Jern, Tammy Bundy, Debbie Lumbeck and Nancy Bundy. Trustee Scott Ray was absent.

Motion made by Trustee Jern and 2nd by Trustee Howard for board to go into "Closed Session" at 7:33pm to discuss Village personnel.