The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Raritan Village Board Meeting

The Raritan Village Board of Trustees met in the meeting room of Raritan Fire House September 14th with Trustees Phil Anders, Rob Williamson, Sammy Blender, Michael Knapp, and Dwayne Magee. President Earl Waller and Clerk Jim Blender answering roll call.

President Waller called the meeting to order and led the Trustees in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Trustee Blender opened with prayer. August minutes were approved.

Travis Peterson was present asking if the Village had a Green Space Ordinance and suggested a Facebook page to notify residents of happenings in the Village.

Bills were approved as follows: Phil Anders $120.00, Dennis Rankin $252.69; Dallas Rural Water $570.57; Ameren IP $1,540.54; Waste Management $1,067.60; Blender Mowing $915.00; Murphys $160.00; Carlyn Anders $55.00; Mike Knapp $80.00; Thompson Insurance $3.00; Eagle Enterprises $100.00;

Old Business

Robert McGriff wanted to know what the Village wants done with his fence and also wants a copy of Village ordinances. Judge instructed resident he needed to install the permanent fence on his property. Trustee M. Knapp handed out "how to properly install a fence" to Mr. McGriff. Attorney James stated that the court date for the previous property cleanup is set for Sept. 29 at 11 a.m. Attorney James reported that the next court date is Oct. 16 at 9 a.m and 10 a.m. Judge granted permission to re-open the previous ordinance violation case of Aug. 28, 2017.

Motion by Knapp, seconded by Williamson was approved to table the ordinance regarding abandoned, inoperable or unlicensed motor vehicles until the next meeting.

The travel ordinance and water ordinance amendment has been tabled until a later date. It was reported that the audit was completed.

New Business:

Trustee Y. Knapp said the Illinois Bi-Centennial Celebration will be held Aug.Dec. of 2018. A discussion was held to see how the Village wanted to participate.

Trustee M. Knapp will find someone to remove the limb from the tree at the park.

The meetings was adjourned to the next regular meeting night.