The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Raritan Receives Check To Repair Shelter House Roof

At the regular meeting of the Village of Raritan Board on Thursday, November 9th, Michael Knapp reported they had received an insurance check for the shelter house in the amount of $1,232.50. This will be used for roof repairs in the spring.

Bills approved included: Phil Anders $109.00; Dennis Rankin $196.00; Dallas Rural Water $596.33; Waste Management $1,101.60; Blender Mowing $410.00; Murphys $160.00; Carlyn Anders $104.00: Mike Knapp $80.00; Neil Curtis $36.83; Cavanaugh Davies $750.00.

The meeting was opened by President Earl Waller leading in the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer by Sammy Blender.

The board voted to not proceed on the Green Space Ordinance and also not to have a Facebook page at this time.

The state Bi-Centennial Celebration discussion was tabled until the next meeting.

In other business the board: