The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Lisa Ray, For The Quill
At the November 7th Oquawka Village monthly board meeting Tuesday evening, Attorney Andy Youngquist spoke highly of the job that Police Chief Keith DeJaynes is doing with the junk and debris.
Chief DeJaynes also addressed the board with the following police report: Criminal: 2 Domestic Battery, 3 Residential Burglaries, 1 False Police report, 1 Obstructing Justice, 1 Battery. Assisting: 4 Ambulance, 46 County. 6 Juvenile calls, 1 tavern call, 2 ordinance violations, 3 dog calls. 2 golf cart/sis by side inspections. 2 speeding and 1 stop sign violation, 1 texting cell phone, 6 warnings, 5 warrants and 58 other calls. Fines $430.00.
A donation of $389.00 was received from David Clark to purchase a body cam. Mileage 1,924 miles and fuel cost amounted to $166.50.
Mayor Robert Eldridge opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call showed present: Mayor Robert Eldridge, Village Secretary Jaqueline Smith, Trustees Hal Jern, Scott Ray, Jason Howard, Tammy Bundy, Nancy Bundy and Village Attorney Andy Youngquist.
The resignation of Trustee Debbie Lumbeck was accepted.
A salary increase for the Zoning Officer position was discussed. A motion was made by Trustee Ray and 2nd by Trustee Jern to set the salary at $150.00 per month and will be retroactive to August 2017.
Street and Water report was given by Jeff Peterson. The boat ramp was to deep to successfully fill with gravel using the backhoe. Trustee N. Bundy would like to revise the street ordinance. Further discussion will be at the work session.
Trustee Nancy Bundy stated the Annual Christmas Parade will be held December 2nd. Santa will be at the Museum Stage following the parade. In other Parks and Recreation items, Trustee N. Bundy noted the Museum is need of some repairs.
Fire Chief Troy Jern noted 150 people were in attendance during the Annual Village of Oquawka Weiner Roast. It was requested that a representative from the Fire Department be in attendance at each Village Board meeting.
December 18th the Fire Department will have their annual Breakfast fundraiser for the Oquawka Toy Drive. Serving will be from 7:00am to 11:00am.
Old Business: Motion was made by Trustee N. Bundy and 2nd by T. Bundy to switch internet carriers from Frontier to Mediacom. Also, motion made by Trustee Ray and 2nd by Trustee Howard to adopt the new Tax Levy and Assessment Ordinance for 2018.
New Business: Ameren has given the okay to repair and replace receptacles on Schuyler Street.
The board approved the bills, minutes and treasurers report and voted to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. until the first Tuesday of December, the 5th at Village Hall at 6:30 p.m..