The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

It's Official: Tim Graves Is Hired Back Again at Special Meeting

by Michael Rodeffer, The Quill

A special meeting of the La Harpe City Council was called for May 12th at 6 p.m. at the La Harpe City Hall for the sole purpose to discuss and take action on the employment and appointment status of Tim Graves by the City of La Harpe.

All council members (Clover, Covert, Hasten and Shumaker) along with treasurer Crystal Graves and city attorney Christopher Scholz were in attendance.

Mayor Ryan Kienast was absent.

By separate motions Crystal Graves was approved to be the clerk and Katherine Hasten was approved as mayor-protem.

The council went into executive session at 6:05 p.m. At 7:13 p.m. the council reconvened to open meeting. Katherine Hasten read the following:

THIS IS A STATEMENT OF URGENCY due to the serious financial disadvantage that Mr. Graves may suffer by virtue of his participation in the city's retirement plan, it is necessary that the city council move to restore Mr. Graves to his employment status to include his benefits and pay rate he enjoyed as of March 27, 2017 immediately.

Mr. Graves employment status is provisional and subject to a written agreement to be prepared by the city attorney to address other issues including the award of back pay to March 27th, 2017 and the general release of liability for the, it's officers, and it's employees, Mr. Graves provisional employment shall be as a full-time, non probationary employee.

During the period of provisional employment any disciplinary or review actions including termination shall be reviewed at the earliest opportunity by the city council and must be approved by the council.

The city council adopted and approved unanimously this statement.

Meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m.