The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Letter to Editor

Fencing Ordinance Is Way Offline

Dear Editor,

4 ft. Set back, unreasonable, which means, even in your back yard set your fence back 4 ft. for mowing.

Most all municpalities in the area have up to the property line, but not on it.

A state Supreme Court held a fence ordinance invalid, stating that common law has always protected the landowner in the right to fence his property, and could not be interfered with unreasonably.

This part of the ordinance I believe to be excessive, unreasonable, and inappropriate when compared to most standards of surrounding communities.

I also believe some zoning board members put it in there with spite, of some fence owners.

It should be changed to be reasonable and appropriate for the community and future fencing.

Robert B. Manning

Stronghurst, IL