The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Council Hears Attorney Will Submit Her Bills

by Michael Rodeffer, The Quill

The La Harpe City will be receiving their long requested attorney's bill the council was told Monday evening at their regular board meeting.

During the discussion of the La Harpe's City Treasurer's Report, Attorney Diana Diestler informed Council members that she would be submitting her attorney bills this week (from Sept. 2016-Feb. 2017). In fact, she advised Alderman to "Check your emails tonight!".

Also, the board authorized up to $2500 more for Attorney Schellenberg to take corrective action on the City of La Harpe's 457 Plan (including payroll, life insurance, and retirement for all city employees).

This is in addition to an earlier $2500 that had already been approved for attorney fees to prepare a revised 457 Plan.

Attorney Schellenberg said there were several issues and problems that still needed to be resolved that has necessitated the extra work on the plan.

The City Treasurer's Report was approved and bills were approved for payment totaling $6,444.17 in 3 categories as follows:

General fund $3,114.11; Sewer fund $40.56; Water fund $3,289.50 ($2550 went to McClure Engineering Associates).

Under agenda item #2 "to discuss and take action on retaining a city attorney", Alderman Wisslead said that he had talked to two attorneys and they were not interested due to the leadership La Harpe has at present. Kraft and Bennett will check out other attorneys.

On the annual audit, Stiller said she had called Cavanaugh's and they could not do the audit due to the lateness of the request and they have all the township to audit. She is going to check with the Illinois CPA Society. Auditors must be a licensed CPA. Wisslead asked Stiller if she asked anyone locally, but she did not reply In old business the council:

Around 25 attended the meeting. All council members were present and City Clerk Lucretia McPeak, and City Attorney Diana Diestler, and Mayor Ryan Kienast.

The La Harpe City Council was held upstairs of the City Hall. The next meeting will be next Monday, March 27th at 7:00 P.M.