The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Nathan Cobb gave a written financial and ridership summary of the Hancock County Public Transportation for the January 1 through March 31 quarter, to the Hancock County board members on May 16th. Overall ridership is down approximately 10% due to fewer Mental Health Center client rides. Ridership among senior citizens increased 10%.
Mr. Cobb pointed out a benefit of the service is patient access to the dialysis unit in Keokuk, IA. Six trips a week are for dialysis.
He emphasized some trip denials are really rescheduled trips. Most patients want doctor appointments first thing in the morning, or right after lunch. The number of drivers and buses limits the number of trips at one time to four.
So the public transportation asked the patients to reschedule for a different time. (Illinois Department of Transportation rules state a time that varies by more than one hour of the initial request to be counted as a denial - even though the trip may have occurred at a rescheduled time).
Sheriff Scott Bentzinger mentioned the possible sale of the former Huck Johnson-Ed Davis property acquired by the county. It is immediately west of the sheriff's office. He said at a minimum he prefers the county retain property (land) on the south end and east end. The building itself and immediately surrounding property on U. S. 136 could be sold to a buyer.
Mr Kreps read a letter he received from the Illinois Department of Agriculture concerning the county's duty to enforce the law and administrative rules. He asked the county clerk to investigate other county's activities.
Kreps said he received a communication from the states attorney concerning personnel policies. He assigned follow up to Tom Scheetz.
In other business:
Those present included: Delbert Kreps, Chairman; Kerry Asbridge, County Clerk; Wayne Bollin, Steven Bolton, Dennis Castlebury, Pat Cramer, Janet Fleming, Mark Hanson, Don Little, Mark Menn, Thomas Scheetz, Jerry Smith, Tony Slater; Sheriff Scott Bentzinger; County Engineer Elgin Berry; Nathan Cobb of the McDonough County Public Transportation; Ambulance Administrative Assistant Terri Griffin; County Treasurer Kristine Pilkington; Jason Pohren; Ambulance Coordinator Gabe Smeltser, and reporter Joy Swearingen of the Hancock County Journal-Pilot. Visitors: Kim Weaver, Gary Dittmer, and Bob Shutwell.