The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Board Discusses Water Concerns

At the Village of Biggsville board meeting held on June 7th, Jim reported he had been doing a lot of mowing and working on getting the water hydrants fixed. The water valves need to be check every year. We know we have some that are not working.

Greg said he would help in any way he could and knows where the board can get the equipment to fix them. Jim will check every valve and determine which ones need to be replaced and the board will decide how many at a time can replaced.

Brian made a motion to no longer place tags on homes for late notices or disconnect notices but will send a letter on the fifteenth (15) of every month to the home owner and tenant and if it is not paid by the 25th of the month it will automatically be shut off the 26th. Nanci 2nd, motion carried.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Amanda Guyton with the pledge of allegiance. There was no discussion in open forum.

Nanci made a motion to accept the minutes, invoices, and treasures report, Brian second motion carried.

Dick reported there was one permit given for a garage.

Dick and Kathie went to the Parks Committee meeting and it was suggested that the parks come back to the board. Nanci made a motion we reorganize the Parks and Recreation Committee to the Parks and Recreation Team with Dick and Kathie as board representatives. Brian 2nd motion carried. Anyone interested in joining the parks team please contact Dick Goff or Kathie Curtiss.

Brian made a motion to accept the Appropriations Ordinance #526, Kathie 2nd motion carried.

Amanda thanked everyone who attended and helped with the village cleanup day. It is always the first Saturday of June.

The board also expressed their appreciation to Shane Reed Electric and Winters Electric for their help with the flag pole in front of the Community Building.

Member present were: Kathie Curtiss, Richard Goff, Kevin Mortimer, Brian Sterett and Nanci Sterett. Absent was Diane Gonzalez. Others present were: Amanda Guyton, Mayor; Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Judy Gravgaard, Clerk; James Rogers, and Craig Fulkerson from Test, Inc.

Judy L. Gravgaard,

Biggsville Village Clerk