The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Minutes of the President and Trustees, Village of Raritan, Henderson County, Illinois
The trustees met in the meeting room of the Raritan Fire House on July 13, 2017 with Trustees Anders, Williamson, Blender, M. Knapp, Y. Knapp, Magee and Clerk Blender answering roll call. Clerk Blender called the meeting to order and led the trustees in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Trustee Blender opened with prayer. On a motion by Trustee Magee, seconded by Trustee Anders the minutes were approved as presented. Motion carried.
Visitors: Attorney Bobi James
A motion was made by Trustee Blender, seconded by Trustee Magee to approve the agenda.
Bills presented were as follows: Phil Anders $110.00; Dennis Rankin $196.00; Dallas Rural Water $614.00; Ameren IP $1,780.37; Waste Management $1,067.60; Blender Mowing $665.00; Murphys $160.00; Henderson County Highway Department $1,284.00; WIRC $82.40; Eagle Enterprises $100.00; IRWA $272.90; Michael Knapp $80.00; Carlyn Anders $104.00; Bygones and Buds $40.00; Julie $61.87. A motion was made by Trustee Blender, seconded by Trustee Anders to approve all the above bills. Motion carried.
Rod Myers will finish surveying the west end of Raritan.
Attorney stated the Travel Ordinance is ready and will be put on agenda for next month.
Discussion was held about properties needing cleaned up. Some have shown improvements.
Next month the Tax Levy and Annual Appropriation Ordinance will be approved. A discussion was held about unlicensed cars on properties. A discussion was held about the village finances and the meeting adjourned.