The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe School Board Assigns Committees

At the La Harpe school board meeting held in the district library on June 20, 2017, the board discussed committees and assigned the following members: Technology/Curriculum & Instruction: Spangler and Detherage; Facilities: Spangler and Johnson; Transportation: Spangler and Johnson; Negotiations: James, Detherage, Finance: James & Detherage; and Athletics and Policy will be reviewed as needed by a Committee of the Whole.

The board approved the consent agenda, payment of the bills, held the budget amendment hearing and approved the final budget for fiscal year 2017. The board adopted a resolution authorizing a line of credit, adopted the Prevailing Wage Ordinance, and accepted a fuel service bid from FS.

The board accepted the calendar of regular school board meeting dates which is posted on the website, the Title I District Plan, and the Student and Faculty Handbooks. The board approved the following personnel: Jason Finch as Junior High Girls Basketball Head Coach with Dave Clover as Assistant Coach, Leah Shumaker as Junior High Girls Volleyball Head Coach with Courtney Rude as Assistant Coach, and Joanna Wright as Substitute Paraprofessional. Pat Raftis resigned as Junior High Social Studies teacher and Jim Clayton resigned as bus driver.

Covert mentioned that the City Council has offered to remove the bush on the east side of the Central Office drive due to poor visibility backing out. The board was in agreement with the removal.

Dr. Olson gave a report of the most recent state payments totaling $227k which have been vouchered, but are waiting processing by the Comptroller. These amounts are monies already spent, reimbursements not yet received from the state. General State Aid payments are regularly coming, but many other state payments have not been received. The House and the Senate both passed Senate Bill 1 without Republican support. Olson walked the board through a PowerPoint explaining Senate Bill 1 and how it could impact the local school district funding, encouraging them to contact their legislators to support it.

Principal McKeown provided an overview of preliminary PARCC scores for 3rd through 8th grades for the completed school year. McKeown has been working on year-end reports, Student Information System teacher course assignment and student course reports, scheduling, handouts, grants, and staffing for next year. McKeown also included the Title I Plan for the board's approval.

Brian Brown, Lacey Covert, Dustin Detherage, Bobi James, Ryan Johnson, Darren Spangler, and Cindy Wear were present along with Dr. Ryan Olson, Principal Lila McKeown, and Jeanne Clayton.

La Harpe School Board meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month in the school library. Agendas and approved minutes are posted on the website at