The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Raritan Board Discusses Water Disconnection

A discussion was held about turning water off and on for residences, at the regular meeting of the Village of Raritan trustees on January 12th. Attorney James will amend the water ordinance to include this. On a motion by Dwayne Magee, seconded by Rob Williamson, they voted to charge each water customer a $5.00 fee each time it is turned off/on.

The meeting was called to order with President Earl Waller leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Trustee Sammy Blender opened with prayer.

Bills presented were as follows: Phil Anders $130.00; Dennis Rankin $196.00; Waste Management $1,067.60; Dallas Rural Water $452.92; PDC $17.25; Ameren IP $1,781.05; Menards $2.91; Carlyn Anders $95.72; Mike Knapp $70.88. It was voted to pay all bills.

In old business on property clean-up, Attorney James reported there was court on January 13th at 9:15 a.m. McGriff-fence has been put-up, continue until board has opportunity to check it out. Walters-status hearing.

Attorney James is still working on the Travel Expense ordinance.

It was decided to take the Christmas decorations down on January 21 at 10 a.m.

Attending were: Trustees, Phil Anders, Rob Williamson, Dwayne Magee, Sammy Blender, Michael Knapp, Yvonne Knapp; Clerk Jim Blender; President Earl Waller; Visitor, Attorney Bobi James.