The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Trustees Discuss Amending Village Fencing Ordinance

by Shirley Linder, Quill Editor

At the regular meeting of the Village of Stronghurst board, February 6th, a discussion for amending the ordinance on erecting privacy/other fences and property line measurements was held.

Attorney Bill Rasmussen advised the board one of the hardest things to do is change a zoning ordinance.

Everything has to be done properly. The zoning committee held a hearing previously regarding this ordinance but since it was not published in the paper, only posted in three public places, it was not legal and they will need to start over.

Rasmussen suggested the committee meet and get the ordinance worded the way they want it, then publish a public notice as to the time and place of the hearing.

At that time the public would have a chance to view the ordinance and voice their opinion or suggestions.

The zoning committee then brings their recommendation to the full board for passage.

MSA representatives again attended the meeting to get a final answer how the board wished to proceed with the bidding, one contract or two.

The board earlier decided to replace the motors, switches, etc. at the well house, due to the fact they are old and not repairable any more.

The decision was to go ahead with this project ahead of building the water tower, and it would be ready to switch over when the tower is complete.

MSA is the engineers for this project and it was included in the contract with the water tower.

However, Ronnie Gittings suggested that the village have a local contractor, do this work and not a firm MSA hires.

He has been working with Travis Winters on this. He also suggested they could save money by buying the materials outright and hiring an electrician to put them in, cutting out the markup on supplies.

Mike Bohnenkamp said he wants to be sure this is put out for bids to other local contractors.

Gittings suggested having the contractors bid by the hour, not the project, for which there was no decision.

Attorney Rasmussen warned the board to be careful they are not running afoul of the MSA contract by doing this.

MSA also said they have the permit for the sewer extension down on North Street but that the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency has aspired that this site has significant possibility of historic or pre historic archelogy resources.

They want a phase one archelogy survey done before proceeding. Since the digging in the ditch MSA and the board are doing all in their power to not have to do the archelogy survey.

Also the EPA has lost the conditions for the water main permit for the North Street project so MSA has had to re-send, which will hold the project up.

The new business at the site is hauling in water at present in order to operate.

Aaron Leary, representing Security Savings Bank, was present to talk to the trustees about loaning them money for the water tower project.

Security Savings is willing to loan the entire amount, and can have the money available to them whenever needed.

He handed out papers to the trustees with interest rates and time limits that they could use to help decide when the time comes for borrowing.

Angela Myers of the Henderson County Health Department asked for permission to post  Smoke Free Area signs in the village park. It will not be policed, but just a gentle reminder that smoking is bad for you. After discussion the board agreed to allow the signs.

Virginia Ross said that on March 17th, the Stronghurst Senior Citizens are hosting a Meet-The-Candidate-Night at 7 o clock. They will be sending out letters to the candidate with possible questions.

The police report for January included: 155 ½  hours worked; 540 miles on patrol car;  5 traffic stops, 3 vocal warnings, 2 written warnings; 10 service calls plus 4 assists with the county; 27 business checks.

In other business the board:


Mayor: Pro Tem Brendan Schaley;

Trustees: Mike Bohnenkamp, Tim Camp, Tom Crotts, David Vancil (Amanda Kane, absent);

Employees: Ronnie Gittings, Bryan Bohnenkamp, Arbry Vancil, Bill Rasmussen;

Guests: Chris Cooper, Aaron Leary, Angela Myers, Virginia Ross, Randy Jarvis, Jerry Nortrup,  Shirley Linder.

The next regular board meeting will be held on Monday, March 6th, at 7:00 p.m. at the Stronghurst Village Hall. .